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Stress Management Strategy: Exercises (Essay Sample)


the assignment required me to Carefully review all the strategies that are used to reduce stress, (time management, mediation, exercise, yoga, tai chi, etc.) and write a report on which strategies i would use to try and reduce your stress. You must be very specific.
2. (Optional) If you use reference sources (books, magazines, newspaper), you must footnote each reference.


Stress Management Strategy: Exercises
Stress is the state of a person's body experiencing disharmony in response to a particular challenge that can either be real or perceived. The feeling of anxiety and stress is a reality that might negatively affect a person's lifestyle if it is not managed correctly. Every person experiences stress at a given time in life. Figuring out the best strategy to solve the issue can be tricky. The different technique works for different people. Time management, mediation, exercise, yoga, and tai chi are examples of strategies to help people manage their stress levels. Selecting the best method guarantees a person lives a stable life. The paper will give a report on exercise, which is my leading stress management techNique.[Kassymova, K and N Kosherbayeva. "Stress management techniques for students." Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of 

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