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The Aftermath and Outcome of the American Civil War (Essay Sample)


Discuss building of a nation in the aftermath the American Civil War (1861-1865)


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The Aftermath and Outcome of the American Civil War
The American Civil War, between 1861 and 1865 marked a transitionary point in the history of the United States of America. The war, the bloodiest period in the history of the United States, altered the course of events in America, and importantly the future of the nation. The war mattered significantly to the Americans in the latter half of the nineteenth century as it epitomized a struggle over sensitive themes at that time in America, including freedom, slavery, republicanism and the national sovereignty; in this sense the American Civil War is largely regarded essential in the development of a strong central national government.
At the height of the Civil War in 1861, the US federal government, headed by President Abraham Lincoln became an enabling and willing partner in creation of investment enterprises, especially in the North (Hummel N.p). Such enterprises included a boom in the building of naval blockade vessels, provision of food supplies to the army, and generation of economic surge due to increased mining of gold and silver in the far west. Importantly, the Republican dominated congress facilitated and passed legislations that would transform the economic landscape of United States for a long time (Ransom 371). Further, the defection of the southern law makers, coupled by the weakness of the northern democratic minority law makers buoyed the republicans into enacting legislative agenda with far reaching economic implications that helped revolutionize the national economy.

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