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Application of my Code of Ethics (Essay Sample)

1. Choose a case study from your workplace or future profession that you think will be an interesting case to analyze and resolve. 2. Ethical Decision-Making Guide: Follow precisely the Ethical Decision-Making Guide below in arriving at what you think is the right ethical decision. a. Facts: Identify the ethical issue and give the important facts in the case. Why is this an ethical issue and not simply a legal issue or policy issue? b. Stakeholders: Identify the moral agent(s) and moral recipient(s) in the case and explain why these people are important stakeholders in the case. What consequences may affect each? c. Ethical Theories: Which ethical theory or theories that we have studied this semester are helpful to you in arriving at an ethical decision in your case? Explain. If none of the ethical theories help you, explain why your own view is better. d. Decision: Apply your Code of Ethics in this step to arrive at what you believe to be the right ethical decision and action in your case. For example, what roles do your core values, moral character and ethics in your life play in your decision? Please use the link below to write about. If you have any questions, please contact me controversy-fired source..
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Application of my Code of Ethics A personal code of ethics is vital because it helps employees and organizations make decisions that align with their values or company values where there is no direct supervision or clear rules. Notably, the code of ethics improves decision making and makes it easier for people to be autonomous. Ethics guide people in their daily life. The practical application of moral considerations ensures people treat other people right. In this paper, I will demonstrate how I would apply a personal code of ethics on the case regarding Timnit Gebru, a former Google employee and AI researcher. Facts in the Case Timnit Gebru's case is an ethical case rather than a legal or policy issue. Ethical issues occur when a given scenario, activity, or decision creates a dispute with society's moral principles. On the other hand, a policy issue is an act that needs conceptualizing collective challenges to be handled, while a legal issue is a challenge that is in the foundation of a case that requires a decision of the court. From the definition, one can assert that Timnit Gebru's issue lies in the ethical issue category. Fundamentally, it is an ethical problem because the case involves discrimination based on skin color. It is against human morals to treat others harshly due to their skin color. In this case, Gebru was mistreated because she is a black woman. In his speech, Pichai claimed that people should accept that a famous black female leader left google unhappily (Ghaffary). He defines Timnit Gebru per her skin color. Defining people as white or black is racism. Racism is an ethical injustice; hence the issue qualifies to be an ethical problem. Furthermore, the conflict between Timnit Gebru and Google involves the poor morals of the company. National Labor Relations Board claims that Google was reported for spying on its employees and fired two activists (Ghaffary). According to the principles about relationships between employees and employers, employers should not spy on their employees. Moreover, employers should inform workers before firing them. Notably, Gebru was not clearly informed on the ground of her firing. She claimed it was not communicated whether she was being fired or being resigned. Stakeholders The moral agent, in this case, is the company, Google. Google can discern good or wrong, and hence can be accountable for the outcomes of the actions. On the other hand, Timnit Gebru and the two fired activists are the moral recipients. They are the individuals who receive the consequences of the actions of moral agents. Consequences of right or wrong fall on the moral recipient. Google, the moral agent, is significant because it is the agent who inflicted the action causing the conflict (Ghaffary). Gebru is important because she is the recipient of morals. Google may suffer the consequences of the case for its actions. People may boycott their products, and employees may prefer other companies. Gebru can be affected by the issue because it can lower her credibility to other employers and impacts her family and friends. Moreover, the issue brings a condition of stress to the victim. Ethical Theory I believe the deontological ethical theory can solve the case. Deontological ethics reveal that the morality of the cation should be based on whether the scenario, action, or activity is wrong or right under a series of guidelines rather than based on the outcome of the action, scenario, or activity. Further, the theory asserts that people must act from duty. People have an obligation to do right. According to the deontological theory, the action of Goo...
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