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Tips on How to Stay Mentally Healthy (Essay Sample)

Tips on How to Stay Mentally Healthy Following the economic disruption of economy by the novel corona virus in the years 2019 and 2020, issues emerged of mental health of the populace, as reports indicates surge on mental health complications. The writer was expected to give tips on how people can ensure that they are in good state of mind. The requested format was MLa with at least one resource citation. source..
[Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] Tips on How to Stay Mentally Healthy In the last few years, there has been increased efforts to improve mental health treatment services, and intensified campaign against mental health disorders, mental illnesses, and other mental-health-related challenges in the modern era, due to the disturbing statistics. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year, more than 55 million Americans visit physician offices with a mental disorder as their primary diagnosis. Mental disorders are also known to be the leading cause of various physical illnesses that results in a detrimental impact on the economy, both at the individual and state level. It is therefore important for people to take good care of their mental health using the three important tips described below to improve their physical well-being, increase their social relationships and avoid possible expenditure on treatment of various mental-related disorders or illnesses. One of the most cost-effective ways of improving quality of life and keeping good mental health is through physical exercise. Studies have shown that aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, and swimming can help to reduce depression and anxiety. Scientifically, these exercises improve bold circulation on the body and promote brain activities through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, which in turn reduces stress. Furthermore, the fact that some of these exercises like jogging and dancing can be done within one’s vicinity makes this method not only the most effective method of improving mental health but also the cheapest and most convenient way of living a quality life. Another tip of staying mentally healthy is being generous in social relationships. Most of the mental disorders today start from poor or failed relationships, which includes marital relationships. Over the years, generosity has been proven to be the strongest fiber that holds relationships together and keeps partners happy, which reduces possibilities of stress and depression. Furthermore, having healthy relationships also provides a platform for people to share various challenges that they encounter in and out of their relationships and to get solutions to the problem that may lead to stress if not properly addressed. The third and final tip of staying mentally healthy is having enough sleep. Although many people often overlook its importance, having enough rest and sufficient sleep time is key to healthy living. A research study conducted through randomized controlled trial to establish the impact of improving sleep on mental health established that various sleep interventions significantly reduce insomnia, a causal facto...
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