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Civil Rights Movement Impact on Race Relations in America Based On Martin Luther King Speech (Essay Sample)

The study investigates how the civil rights movement affected racial relations in the US. It examines how the speech illuminates the ongoing struggle for equality. Moreover, the research explores how the demand for action and pursuit of racial unity affected race relations in the US. The research demonstrates the role of civil rights movements in shaping the racial landscape in the US. Therefore, it inspired more advancements in civil rights in the US. source..
Name Instructor Name Course Name Date Civil Rights Movement Impact on Race Relations in America Based On Martin Luther King Speech The civil rights movement altered race relations. The movement highlighted the difficulties faced by Americans who demand equality. Martin Luther King's speech is among the most illustrious talks that promoted the quest for racial justice. The speech highlighted the need for reform in the US owing to rising prejudice. The speech also emphasized the value of brotherhood by outlining the struggles of civil rights defenders. King highlighted the discrimination experienced by African Americans in the country. In the speech, he called for immediate action to rectify the broken promises of equality in the US. The study investigates how the civil rights movement affected racial relations in the US. It examines how the speech illuminates the ongoing struggle for equality. Moreover, the research explores how the demand for action and pursuit of racial unity affected race relations in the US. The research demonstrates the role of civil rights movements in shaping the racial landscape in the US. Therefore, it inspired more advancements in civil rights in the US. The reality of racial unfairness in the US was made clear by the civil rights movements. One of those active in the civil rights struggle was Martin Luther King. In his speech, he exposed the shameful condition of the African Americans who faced discrimination even after the emancipation proclamation. He asserted, "One hundred years later, the colored American lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity” (King 67). The quote shows the disparity in the economic conditions experienced by African Americans in the US. African Americans continued to face economic hardships due to discrimination. King portrays African Americans as people excluded from the material progress enjoyed by the other Americans. In today's society, African Americans still face poverty even though the law does not support it. The poverty rate among African Americans is high compared to the other ethnic groups in the US. It shows the persistence of economic disparity in the US. Therefore, it is important to address economic injustice as an integral part of the civil rights movement in the US. The movement has succeeded in creating laws against discrimination, such as Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 (Card 22). However, racial inequality still exists in American society, which has hindered progress. Therefore, race relations need to be advanced through further civil rights movements. The high poverty rates of African Americans show the need to advocate for equal payment for people of color to increase their economic position in society. The civil rights movement also challenged Americans to fulfill the promise of equality and justice. The American government has not fulfilled the promise of upholding citizen rights in the US. Martin Luther King Jr. highlights the promises of equality embedded in the American government's foundational documents. He also exposes the ongoing reality of racial discrimination experienced by African Americans. He states, "But one hundred years later, the colored America is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the colored American is still sadly crippled by the manacle of segregation and the chains of discrimination" (King 67). The quote emphasizes the persistence of racial inequality a century after the emancipation proclamation. The promise of freedom did not stop African Americans from being discriminated against. The speech reveals the reality of the broken promises made by the American government. The government failed to address systemic racism. It also failed to uphold the rights of the citizens of color in the US. Racial discriminatory practices are deeply entrenched in American society. There is racism in the education system used in the US. Moreover, voting rights and employment issues still affect African Americans in the US (Card 10). Therefore, it confirms the prevalence of racial segregation in the current era. Therefore, King's raised issues are rooted in African Americans' experiences. As a result, it validates the call for racial justice. The speech became a plea for equality in the US. It exposed the disparity between the promises of the American government and the realities faced by African Americans. Therefore, it acted as a movement seeking long-lasting change in race relations in the US. The civil rights movement in the US advocated for action to achieve racial justice. King stresses the urgency of the movement toward advocating for equality in American society. He states, “Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy” (King 84). King emphasizes the importance of rising above slow progress. He also emphasizes the importance of taking immediate steps to address societal racial injustice. According to him, there should be no resting until all the citizens are liberated. The government is supposed to grant people equality regardless of their race. The civil rights movement is determined to create decisive steps toward racial equality. King was determined to reject the status quo to bring equality to the United States. In the current society, the civil rights movement has challenged racial discrimination (Card 7). It has been successful in addressing the systemic injustices in the society. The movement has also promoted equal rights for all citizens. Therefore, the call for action in the speech assisted in moving American society to more equality compared to the past period. Moreover, the movement's demand for immediate change helped to revolutionize the racial struggles in the US. Therefore, demanding immediate action paved the way for significant legislative changes in the US. As a result, it has helped shape the pursuit of equality in the US. The civil rights movement also fostered racial unity and brotherhood among all Americans. Luther King Jr. envisioned a future where racial divisions are eradicated. He also envisioned that individuals are supposed to be evaluated based on their character. He dreamt of black and white children joining hands as one. Therefore, it represents the movement's aspiration to foster racial unity in the US. He states, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be ...
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