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Parental Feedback (Essay Sample)

This one-page essay required was an attempted solution to a given problem. This task lay in child pedagogy and development in the classroom. Although in MLA format, the task did not require any citations. It is more of a response paper. In the essay, every paragraph provides a solution and way for children and parents to collaborate with the teachers to find a solution to behavioral problems and learning challenges. source..
Student Name: Professor Name: Course Title: Date: Parental Feedback Explaining the child’s detrimental behavior in the classroom to the parents requires articulation of the causes. Corrective measures can be taken only when the causes and roots of such lamentable behavior are understood. According to Albert Bandura’s groundbreaking experiments, human behavior is shaped by environmental factors, for better or worse. This theory is closely associated with the idea of observational learning. Like culture, the rationale for behavior is also absorbed from the environment. To explain this to the parents, the child’s behavior and possible reasons for such conduct must be noted. Furthermore, the environmental influences need to be understood. The best way to approach this would be to discuss matters with the concerned child beforehand. By employing politeness and designing a series of questions, the child psychologist could determine the possible causes of the behavior. Having this understanding makes it easier to discuss things with the parents. Explaining the theory in layman’s terms and demonstrating the ideas with many examples will help the parents understand the fundamentals of observational learning. Moreover, the approach should be focused on rectification, discussing how things can be done differently for the ch...
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