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How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back (Essay Sample)

In the global market space, the economy of any particular country depends on the pursuit of profit and the supply and demand services and commodities hence effecting the market place. This can well be described by the term Capitalism. Capitalism is where private businesses or individuals dominate the production and distribution of goods and services to the public. This means that they are in liberty to produce and sell any goods and services of their choice and the consumers are also free to buy any goods or services of their choice as well. The price in the market place at a particular time depends on the competition among the producers and, the supply and demand curve at that particular season. Capitalism enhances innovation and entrepreneurship among people in pursuit of profit.We can therefore, deeply reflect and examine on how capitalism has widely affected the planet and how we can fight back its effects by considering the economics externalities. It is the unintended outcome of activities on economic scope that are not reflected in the market price. They include degradation of natural and pollution in economy aspect. When capitalism is critically analyzed, it tends to prioritize short term over long term profits and externalities are rarely counted in the market. In order to fight back against the negative impacts in the environment, we have to consider tough decision –making on sustainability, equity and social responsibility in our economy through redefining success. This can be termed as developing alternative measurement for economic growth like social and environmental well-being rather than measuring it on success alone. Also, addressing inequality is important in the environment since it ensures that every person has access to opportunities and resources in life. source..
How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back Student Name Course Name Department Name Instructor 21st February 2023 How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back In the global market space, the economy of any particular country depends on the pursuit of profit and the supply and demand services and commodities hence effecting the market place. This can well be described by the term Capitalism. Capitalism is where private businesses or individuals dominate the production and distribution of goods and services to the public. This means that they are in liberty to produce and sell any goods and services of their choice and the consumers are also free to buy any goods or services of their choice as well. The price in the market place at a particular time depends on the competition among the producers and, the supply and demand curve at that particular season. Capitalism enhances innovation and entrepreneurship among people in pursuit of profit. Every time capitalism is discussed, there is a way its linked with Kate Aronoff’s book, where she has discussed it in length. She argues that there is insufficiency approach in addressing the present climate crisis and the market- driven policy brought about by capitalism. She suggests that radical change to the systems in the economy is no option for sustainable future on the same. She has moreover examined the role of capitalism basing her cases on history, political theory and economics, where it affects the energy systems, the interest in corporative world in influencing climate policy and the limitations that affects the market-based solution like carbon pricing. As capitalism pushes the economy in pursuit of profit and growth, it has also largely contributed to a number of setbacks in the environment. They include pollution of the air, depletion of natural resources, deforestation and ultimately the climate change. It also affects the natural resources sustenance leading to environmental degradation in the market. In order to counter the negative impacts on the environment caused by capitalism, there are prompt measures that can be taken to save the society: * Supporting eco-friendly activities or business. This includes the way consumers can choose to support corporations and companies that puts priority on positive sustainability and environmentally practices. * Pursuance of alternative models that prioritize equitable sustainability instead of upholding the dominant economic paradigm which causes environmental degradation. * Implementation of government policies that promotes environmental and sustainability protection. The involvement of government can hold on account corporations to incentivize sustainable practices among themselves that impacts the environment. * Adoption of low-carbon lifestyle through sensitization to the individuals on how they can reduce their carbon footprint by making advisable choices on transportation, energy use, diet and management of waste. Also promoting collective action by encouraging the community and other environmental groups in protesting against climate change. We can therefore, deeply reflect and examine on how capitalism has widely affected the planet and how we can fight back its effects by considering the economics externalities. It is the unintended outcome of activities on economic scope that are not reflected in the market price. They include degradation of natural and pollution in economy aspect. When capitalism is critically analyzed, it tends to prioritize short term over long term profits and externalities are rarely counted in the market. In order to fight back against the negative impacts in the environment, we have to consider tough decision –making on sustainability, equity and social responsibility in our economy through redefining success. This can be termed as developing alternative measurement for economic growth like social and environmental well-being rather than measuring it on success alone. Also, addressing inequality is important in the environment since it ensures that every person has acce...
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