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Mental Health Issues Facing College Students (Essay Sample)

College students face several constraints as they pursue their studies. Bearing that they come from different societies and most of them tend to travel long distances to look for education, they face a lot of difficulties exposing them to so much stress and mental illness. Offering counselling and therapeutic services can be a good idea for struggling students. It can be done in forums and one on one interviews.  Peer support programs can be very effective where students connect with others with similar struggles or who have already overcome the struggles and share ideas to help each other.  We encourage the students to engage in self-care practices like getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet. Meditation is where the mind focuses and finds inner peace to reduce anxiety and stress.  In prayer, one is encouraged to solicit a higher deity to get hope and comfort from a higher power.  Gratitude is where somebody is encouraged to focus on the positive aspects of life to bring contentment, among other strategies source..
Mental Health Issues Facing College Students Course Name Department Name Instructor 14th/5/ 2023 Mental Health Issues Facing College Students College students face several constraints as they pursue their studies. Bearing that they come from different societies and most of them tend to travel long distances to look for education, they face a lot of difficulties exposing them to so much stress and mental illness. Students face several common problems in their pursuit of education and career. Some of these setbacks are academic pressures, time management, financial constraints, and substance abuse. All these issues result in mental health problems that stakeholders should address without delay. Several different problems can be seen in students with mental health issues. It includes:- * Poor academic performance:- Students with mental health issues experience a downward trend in their education. Without much scrutiny, you will realize that the student is falling apart and has no concentration on their studies. * Poor physical health:- This kind of student has a poor appetite, headaches, digestive problems and fatigue, which negatively impact the student resulting in poor performance. * Physical isolation: Students with mental problems rarely engage in social activities and like isolating themselves and being in their world, lowering their performances. * Low self-esteem:- A student with mental health issues has low self-esteem and lacks expression. Most of them look depressed and anxious and rarely express themselves well because they feel inadequate. * Abuse of substances:- Many students turn to drugs or alcohol to help cope with their mental instability. It leads to addiction, health problems and poor-decision making in their lives. All the above issues prompt society and institutions to take steps and offer solutions and support to the affected and the vulnerable people in colleges and prioritize the mental health of their students. Strategies for delivering remedies to mental health issues can be classified into different categories, namely mental, physical, spiritual and psychosocial strategies. * Mental strategy:- * Offering counselling and therapeutic services can be a good idea for struggling students. It can be done in forums and one on one interviews. * Peer support programs can be very effective where students connect with others with similar struggles or who have already overcome the struggles and share ideas to help each other. * We encourage the students to engage in self-care practices like getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet. * Campaigns on mental health and awareness promote mental education in workshops to reduce stigma and encourage them to speak out about their problems. * Crisis intervention services can be provided with immediate support in case of any mental disorder detection in hotlines or hospitals. * Physical strategy:- * Therapy engagement, especially through skilled mental health professionals. * Lifestyle changes are where one is encouraged to take to do things differently for a change. * Self-care is where one takes care of his own physical and mental welfare. * Medication should be administered to anybody with signs of mental illness before it worsens. * Spiritual strategy:- * Meditation is where the mind focuses and finds inner peace to reduce anxiety and stress. * In prayer, one is encouraged to solicit a h...
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