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Philosophy of Self (Essay Sample)


The paper was about the philosophy of self. 


What is the Self? Who are you?
Table of Content
Nietzsche’s Philosophy………………………………………………………………………..3
Tolstoy’s Philosophy………………………………………………………………………….5
Kafka’s Philosophy……………………………………………………………………………6
The Philosophy of "Self" describes amongst other things, the circumstances of identity which has capabilities of making an individual topic of experience different from others. Modern-day discussions on the kind of self are not thereby debates on the nature of personal identity or personhood. The self is sometimes comprehended as a unified being significantly connected to agency, awareness, and consciousness. Different principles on the metaphysical character of the self have been suggested. Philosophically a person or his or her self is just that person or his or her characters that are different from the others in the crowd because of various reasons and explanations.
This self philosophy is capable of being applied to any person's life. It is just that thing that makes one stand out of the crowd and do something different from the rest. Everyone has his or her different self. It is unique from those of others. As for my sake, I remember when I was a student in High School. As the other classmates had their different capabilities in terms of academics and sports, I had a huge potential of describing and explaining English and Literature concepts to my classmates. Moreover, I had capabilities of playing very well basketball.
By then it was common knowledge to most students that those scholars who engage themselves in sporting activities cannot perform well academically. To their amazement, they had me proving wrong. I performed well academically as well as in playing basketball. Our English and Literature teacher put me to be in charge of class during her lessons whenever she was not coming or whenever she left something for the class to have a discussion on. The games teacher also put me to be the games prefect due to my leadership capabilities mixed with my skills in playing basketball. The two things, exemplary performance in English and Literature discipline and excellent playing of basketball distinguished me from the rest of my classmates and schoolmates. They described my "self." Whenever anyone was looking for me, he or she had a tendency of adding the phrase "the exemplary English and Literature student and basketballer." That way, he or she could get me very easily.
Nietzsche’s Philosophy
There exist some philosophers who are of the opinion that a person or his or her self is just that person or his or her characteristics which are different from the others in the crowd. The first philosopher in support of the concept is called Nietzsche Friedrich. Nietzsche told a story of a person who was mentally challenged who in one morning hours lit a lantern and ran to the marketplace. Incessantly, the madman cried, "I seek God! I seek God." “(Nietzsche)”. A lot of people who had no belief in God stood around as they found the mentally challenged man funny. Theirs was only laughing.
The mentally challenged man jumped into the midst of his audience impaled them with his eyes and 

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