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Ways American Women Experience Inequality in the Workplace in Today’s Society (Essay Sample)


• The first page of your paper should have on the left margin – your name, my name, the class and section number, and the date, and you should center a title for your paper right before the introduction begins.
• On the right top, you should have your last name and the page number (go to page numbers and insert page numbers. Select top of page, right. Then go into edit header and type your name before the page number.)
• Write at least 7 pages (not including the Works Cited page, so 8 total pages)
• Double space and use 1 inch margins.
• Use at least 7 sources – limit your use of websites. For this paper, only two sources can be from websites. Online versions of newspapers, magazines, or scholarly articles that you get from databases or google scholar are ok to use and do not count toward the two website limit.
• Use MLA format for in-text citations and a Works Cited Page (Use the MLA Guide to do this)
• Do not use Wikipedia at all, ever, not once, in your paper. =)
• Note: your paper can be longer than 7 pages and you can use more than 7 sources. Those are just the minimums.
I need a citation page.


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Professor’s Name
Ways American Women Experience Inequality in The Workplace in Today’s Society
Gender inequality in businesses is a compound phenomenon that may be experienced in administrative procedures, practices, and structures. Several of the utmost detrimental gender inequalities are contributed within the practices of human resources. This is due to the fact that human resource departments engage in practices that include creating policies, decision-making, and their enactment impacts on wages, hiring, women training, and promotion (Stamarski and Son Hing par. 2). Inequality in the workplace may take different forms, such as disparity in promotions, racism, unequal pay, and episodes of sexual harassment. Every so often, it occurs in more nuanced habits, like high incidence of burnout in women and fewer chances for women who are mothers. For example, in the United States, job discrimination is one of the reasons for gender inequality within employment. In many civilizations, there is an integral belief that males are better fortified to deal with certain job occupations. In most cases, those are the best paying jobs. The paper aims to discuss ways in which American women experience inequality in the workplace in today’s society.
Gender Inequality
Women have reported increased levels of gender-based discrimination and higher levels of sexual harassment at work. These inequalities have direct and indirect implications for the financial security, safety, advancement and well-being of communities. Research shows that workplace inequality affects not only individuals but also has a bearing on companies' productivity and profitability (Hart et al. par 5). Typically, women are on the receiving end of gender-based inequality, especially because society does not allow them to enjoy equal opportunities, pay, and work conditions as their male counterparts. According to the latest Pew Research Center survey analysis, around four of ten employed women (42%) in America testify of having experienced discrimination in the workplace due to their gender (PARKER, and FUNK par. 1). They describe a comprehensive range of individual experiences, from being paid less than men on similar type of job to being avoided in cases of crucial projects. Females are roughly more likely than males to say they have been treated in a manner they are not capable of due to their gender, and they are at high chances than men to testify of having experienced recurrent minor snubs because of their gender.
Even with today’s society of modern industrialization, women still get treated as ‘less than

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