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Rotational Motion Pre-Lab (Lab Report Sample)

There were four questions in this pre-lab assignment to better understand rotational motion. The concepts of moment of inertia and angular momentum were explored. Diagrams were provided for some of the questions, there were four questions in total. By providing step-by-step solutions, this assignment was completed. source..
Student Name: Professor Name: Course Title: Date: Rotational Inertia and Dynamics Prelab Question 1) The EBD for the pulley and FBD for the hanging mass have to be consistent with one another, which they are as the two form part of the same system. The Tension force acting on the hanging force comes from the motion of the pulley, so they are indeed consistent. Question 2) The application of Newton’s Second Law of Motion is straightforward for the Free Body Diagram of the hanging mass. We have Newton’s Second Law of Motion in 1-D: F R = m a , where F R is the resultant force. As there are two forces acting on the hanging mass, the tension force from the Pulley given by T, and the Weight of the mass, mg, we use the coordinate system chosen to get: T - m g = - a m There is a negative sign on the right hand because the acceleration is in the -y direction. So, this is the required equation for the FBD. We can write two forms for the pulley, one angular and the other linear. Using the angular form of Newton’s second law, we have ...
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