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Movie Review of the movie Trainspotting Customer (Movie Review Sample)

Movie Review of the movie Trainspotting Type of paper Essay (Any Type) Subject Other Number of pages 2 Format of citation APA Number of cited resources 0 Type of service Writing It is a movie review of the movie Trainspotting(1996). Dealing with addiction and recovery will be part of the movie review source..
Trainspotting Name Institutional Affiliation Trainspotting Review Trainspotting is a Scottish film released in 1996 that became one of the most successful British films. The film was based on the novel Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh that was also an international best-seller. Mark Renton, the protagonist, lives in Edinburgh with his friends. Their primary day to day activities includes going out, drinking beer, football as also committing robberies. The central theme of the film is using heroin as the characters explain how one becomes an addict and the levels that one can descend to when addicted. Additionally, the film touches on rehabilitation, which is the period after detoxification when life seems meaningless. Anyone who has been an addict knows that friendship with fellow users is one of the factors that delay the process towards soberness. Individuals who abuse drugs are live a life that is different from the lives of ordinary people. In the public light, it may appear that addicts live normal lives. However, their lives are far from normal as only them and their friends know that their favorite drug is more important than factors such as family, friends or even work (Ebert, 1996). Only drug addicts and their friends can understand the urgency to have a quick fix, as a result, there is shared desperation, humor, and understanding among them. Trainspotting knows and acknowledges this truth. Previously, the film has been criticized as a defender of drug abuse and also defended equally as a film that highlight the negative effects of drug use. The film understands that when an individual is addicted to drugs, they take up a new day to day routine. Additionally, the film understands that the only things that make the lives of addicts bearable are supply of the drug of choice and understanding fellow addicts. Former drug addicts report that they miss the friendship of fellow drug addicts more than the drugs themselves. In this view, there is a common joke among drug abusers that the straight world is oblivious of the fact that the only way to treat drug addiction is by having another drink. Appalling things happen in the film Trainspotting. However, there is joy in the film because it is about friends who sleep anywhere including bars and houses owned by girls they pick up in bars (Ebert, 1996. As the film starts, Renton decides to sober up, and he locks himself up in a room with all the essentials including valium, ice cream, soup, a television set and also buckets for feces, urine, and vomit (Petrie, 2010). However, Renton soon rips off the nails from the door hinges seeking a fix before eventually detoxing and even starting a new life as an agent in a rental apartment. Renton's friends, however, soon find him and talk about an upcoming drug deal that they claimed was lucrative. In one of the film...
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