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The Research Question is: What Our World is Made Of? (Movie Review Sample)


the task was to watch a movie on what the world is made of, then write a small summary about it

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What the world is made of
The most important question for us humans is how we got here. This question nagged a lot of people, but the answer was always elusive. It was not until the invention of ships and navigation that people started exploring the world. This expeditions eventually lead the Europeans to discover America. They believed they were special and better than other people.
An Irish doctor called Hans Sloane, arrived in Jamaica in 1687. He was a botanist and personal physician to the government. In Jamaica, he studied plants mostly medicinal plants and was very fascinated by them; to a point he almost collected every type of plant he came across. The plants were very important to Jamaica; they acted as a source of food, building ships and as medicine.
Sloane was fascinated with nature and made public his findings which opened the word to the diversity of life. His work and explorations brought nature from the wilderness to the open world. He died in 1873. Most of his discoveries were preserved in museums.
In the 18th century in Paris people discovered fossils; some of which were 45 million years old, and realized that they were ones living things. Georges Cuvier was fascinated with the bone structure of living things (anatomy), a new way of studying animals by dissecting them and studying their structure. He compared the structures of different animals and studied different parts to know their function; which gave an insight in the study of fossils. In Russia he compared the mammoth and the African elephant using their teeth and discovered that they were different by studying their lamina. According to him, the mammoths must have been a different species that became extinct. This idea lead to a change in the notion that god’s nature was fixed and unchanging; this was not easy for people to believe. Other fossils that became extinct were: pterodactyl, plesiosaurus, sabre tooth tiger, giant sloth, which mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth. The discovery of fossils lead to revolution of trying to understand what they were and when they existed-the issue of time; questions about the age true age of the earth arose.
18th century was the age of experiments. Comte de Buffon set out to find the true age of the earth by carrying out experiments on read 3 hot iron ball of different sizes, and allowed measured the time it took to cool. He postulated that, if the time taken by iron balls to cool can be measured, the age of the earth can be interpolated using those measurements. Through his experiments he arrived at three figures: 37.5 thousand years, 75 thousand years (which was thought to be the present age of the earth) and 160 thousand years (where earth would be too cold for life to exist).
At Sika point in Scotland Dr. Clare Bond explains how rocks are aligned-unconformity. Through geological studies different forces that shape the earth are studied; some of the forces are waterfalls, rain and glaciers. The time it took to shape the earth would explain how the earth was formed.
Robert Chambers a prolific writer and an avid reader, wrote a philosophical book about change of species calling it transmutation (evolution), which explained that all things are capable of change. He further proposed that human beings were an extension of nature. Chambers believed that as Society and communities change, so do nature. However he could not give an explanation of what coursed the change and why evolution occurs
It was Charles Darwin who gave a reasonable explanation to evolution. He argued that evolution was driven by completion between individuals. Any individual that had a competitive advantage over the others survived, when the others perished. The surviving individuals passed the ‘good’ traits to their offspring; after a long period of time, this process eventually lead to emergence of new species by natural selection ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"X6gJeWtf","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Darwin and Wallace)","plainCitation":"(Darwin and Wallace)"},"citationItems":[{"id":45,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":45,"type":"article-journal","title":"Evolution by natural selection.","container-title":"Evolution by natural selection.","author":[{"family":"Darwin","given":"Charles"},{"family":"Wallace","given":"Alfred Russel"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1958"]]}}}],"schema":"
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