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Response to Discussion Posts (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

original question: Describe how to identify the audience for the simulation scenario. How do you assess the learner’s current level of knowledge, skills, and abilities within the program? What essential elements of the curriculum are essential to prepare students for the clinical setting? What clinical conditions can you identify that are not frequently encountered in nursing programs that should be simulated and performed in a safe environment to ensure competency in clinical practice? My work here was to Write responses for students source..
Response to Discussion Posts Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date Response to Discussion Posts Response To Discussion 1 Hello, first, it is important to note the significance of the simulation scenario. Harrington and Simon (2021) attest that a simulation scenario is a non-natural illustration of a real activity created to ensure the achievement of learning objectives through experimental culture. Simulation scenarios help educate the audience as well as learners to determine gaps in understanding knowledge application. Choosing the audience for the simulation scenario requires consideration of their levels of knowledge through case studies, exams, and role-playing. Indeed, basic sciences courses are important elements for preparing students for clinical settings. However, simulations and practical in clinical settings are also important in familiarizing students with clinical environments. Moreover, I also agree that critical thinking and decision-making skills are equally important in clinical settings. Nevertheless, as you have stated, clinical conditions frequently encountered in nursing programs include emergencies, code blues, and high-risk and low-volume situations. It is also worth noting that medication errors leading to adverse drug events and reactions are also common conditions experienced with patients. However, these challenges may often result in death. As such, there is a need for strategies to help mitigate such experiences. Reference Harrington, D., & Simon, L. (2021). Designing a Simulation Scenario. Stat Pearls. Response to Discussion 2 Hello, indeed, the identification of the audience for a scenario is vital in simulation scenarios. The baseline of the audiences, including their level of knowledge, is important to help inform the simulation scenario. As you have stated, I agree that understanding the student's level of knowledge’s particularly when teaching, the classes they have finished, and the lesson they are continuing, is important for audience selection for a scenario. This is because selecting no kn...
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