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Communications & Media
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Recommendation Report Communications & Media Other (Not Listed) (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Recommendation Report


Recommendation Report
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Recommendation Report
TO: The Food Services Department
FROM: [Name]
DATE: June, 28, 2019
SUBJECT: Food Offerings Should Have Nutritional Values.
Proposal Type
This is a recommendation report of why the Food Services Department at Kent State should encourage food processors to provide nutritional values.
The target audience in this report is young people between the ages of 15 and 28 years.
Recommended Change, Solution, or Activity
The primary problem that requires a long-lasting solution is the lack of labels of nutritional values on the packaged food. Food processors should understand that consumers cannot understand the type of minerals or vitamins they obtain from a variety of food choices unless they indicate (Logue, 2004). Students are the most affected individuals since they like purchasing processed food. As a result, no packaged food should be circulating in the market without appropriate labeling of its nutritional value so that young people can choose the diet that best suits them.
Research Question

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