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The task involved responding to a series of prompts and exercises related to the concept of life as an adventure. The responses covered topics such as imaginative exercises, philosophical reflections on life, and exploring the idea of living an extraordinary and unconventional existence. The content included discussions on the unpredictability of life, embracing change, and approaching life as a grand adventure. The sample responses aimed to encourage contemplation, creativity, and a unique perspective on one's journey through life. source..
3 FEB 2024 SAMPLE 3 ESSAY RESEARCH PIECE FROM MY BOOK LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A GREAT ADVENTURE WRITTEN BY TARIQ EL HAWARY Many people are unaware of this wonderful and important truth. It saddens me greatly and personally pains me to see individuals living their lives in torment, spending their time resigned to the circumstances of daily life, adapting to a screaming and monotonous work routine. A job that does not respect their dreams or ambitions, where a boss or the owner of a company cares little about their aspirations. All that occupies their mind is how to extract more profits from the human machine under their command, subject to their whims. They own them with their money, and they become slaves, fearing and dreading the fluctuations of their moods, afraid that any deduction from their salary would be labeled as punishment. Unfortunately, these people (and I mean the majority) live like cogs in a giant machine, never pausing to contemplate what is happening to them and their miserable lives. Gradually, they lose their precious days without realizing it, perhaps knowing but resigned. Their lives revolve around the wreckage of a modest job with a meager salary, only enough to sustain a simple life. Fortunately, there is always an opportunity to change this pitiable situation, but only if one takes some time for reflection. It's essential to focus on the idea of material income, monthly or yearly salary, as the problem is not solely confined to finances. There is a much more critical and broader factor - the psychological aspect. Self-satisfaction and achieving personal glory, which I will discuss in a separate chapter later. I do not diminish the importance of material wealth and its necessity in life. One should strive for a better life and a higher income to create a special kind of life, the distinctive life that everyone has the right to live. However, if you notice, dear reader, I just mentioned and said "life." So, the matter here is significant and serious because it involves fate and an entire life. Since we only live it once, we must live it as it should be lived. We should live it to the f...
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