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5 Sources
Literature & Language
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English (U.S.)
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Search log (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

I was supposed to look for documents not older than 10 years in online databases.They had to focus solely on the pico question which was :In patients diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension, does implementing strategies to improve follow-up appointment adherence compared to standard practice result in reduced missed follow-up appointments and improved health outcomes over 1 year? Population- diabetic and hypertensive patients Intervention- implementation of strategies to improve follow-up appointment adherence Comparison-standard care with no intervention Outcome- reduction in missed appointments and improvement in health outcomes. Time- 1 year source..
Literature Search Strategy Log This search log is provided as a tool to assist you in tracking how you are conducting your literature review. The tool will assist you in recording key words you are using, databases you are accessing etc. The tool should be used continuously as you search the literature. Please note, your review of the literature will be an ongoing process, therefore we do not expect this to be an all-inclusive log, but a representation of the searches you have completed to date. As you conduct your literature review below are a few points to consider: * Are you using key words that are relevant and appropriate to the clinical problem? Are the combinations of words appropriate? * Are you using a variety of databases? Are you using manual and electronic methods? Are the search limits justified? * Are you seeing redundancies in databases? How many studies were relevant to your problem and intervention? Are you finding higher levels of evidence (ex. Systematic reviews)? Do not eliminate studies where the full text article is not available. Request a copy of the article from the library. You will be missing out on a great finding otherwise!! * What rational or reasons are you using to include, eliminate, or narrow your selection? * Does your literature search encompass all aspects of your PICO? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example PICO question: For healthcare providers in the Emergency Department, does a standardized handoff communication tool improve patient admission and efficiency to the appropriate inpatient nursing unit? Database Key Word Searches Limits # of Citations Found / Kept Rationale for Inclusion / Exclusion Example: CINAHL (EBSCOhost)...
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