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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Reflection on the Settings, Changing Roles, and Responsibilities in Nursing (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


reflective journal on nursing


FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF HEALTH AND NURSINGStudent Name:Student ID:Student Course Affiliation:
Nursing and care, according to my initial understanding, is the practice of giving the sick compassionate company and care in identifying their progress to medication, providing the requirements to the patients, administering drug dosages to them according to doctor's prescription, and ensuring the patient's environment is safe and clean to enable a faster healing process. Here nursing entailed the provision of physical and psychological care to the patients. Later on, I got the revelations of what nursing and caring. In addition to what I knew before, nursing and caring are part of the healthcare system that prevents illness, promotes health by providing health education to the public, cares for the physically and mentally ill, and cares for disabled people in the health care facilities and other community settings. It involves an in-depth analysis of psychological, economic, and physical assessments of a patient, planning for a recovery of the patient following the diagnosis made, and implementing the care plan to ensure the recovery.
Changing roles and responsibilities in Nursing
Nurses are involved in so many different capacities and settings in their duty lines besides the generally known hospital clinic. Nurses can change the responsibilities and roles according to the location and the environment of work. I came to understand that there are different settings like schools, Nursing homes, community health centers, pharmacies, ambulances, home health care centers, hospitals, and clinics. All these settings require a nurse to act differently and to perform different tasks. For example, a pharmacy nurse can prescribe drugs and medication. Community health nurses can give education and care to the communities; a hospital nurse takes care of the sick in the hospitals; an ambulance nurse takes care of the patients on transit in the ambulances. The home nurses take care and provide services to the people at home, like the elderly and disabled patients at home. The pediatric nurse also offers specialized care for children. In the video analysis, I realized that a nurse must have a certain level of relationship with the patient to foster the healing process. The patient must know the nurse; therefore, the nurse must introduce himself or herself to the patient and always refer to the patient by the name; a handshake for the first meeting is preferable if possible. The nurse must keep the patient comfortable in relieving 

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