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Diary Through The Eyes Of A Native American Moctezuma's Perspective (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
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Cortes had already been welcomed by the Aztecs and treated to gifts, and they ensured the Spaniards had an enjoyable stay. The Spaniards later went to Cholula, where it later emerged that many people in that city had been killed (Aztec-history, n.d.). In Tenochtitlán, Cortes started enforcing the Catholic religion by making sure the Aztec gods were substituted with Roman Catholic shrines. The people of Aztec start a revolt to get rid of the Spaniards from their city. The Spaniards go ahead and join forces with the people of Tlaxcala. Cortes advances to conquer the Aztec empire which was by this time led by Cuauhtémoc.
Event 1
Today I received the Hernan Cortes, the Spanish conquistador and his men into my Aztec territory (Aztecs,. Spanish Arrival, n.d.). They have been sent by the Quetzalcoatl our gods, who had promised to come when the world is about to end and save us the people of Aztec.
Event 2
The Spaniards are not participating in our rituals of sacrificing for the gods. They have their religion known as the Catholic faith which they are trying to introduce to us (Aztec-history, n.d.). These Spaniards seem not have been sent by Quetzalcoatl, and my people are starting to become suspicious of about their existence here with us.
Event 3
My people the Aztecs have started becoming rebellious towards the Spaniards. They have killed several of Cortes’s men, and the Spaniards are furious (Abnett 2007). I have therefore agreed to be captured as a way to show them that we are not at war with them.
Event 4
The Spaniards have now started forcing Christianity to the people, and Aztecs are not happy. The people also no longer trust me as their leader because I agreed to be captured by Cortes and his men (SoliÌs OlguiÌn, 2004). The Aztec people have now started to stop making human sacrifices and slowly are warming up to Christianity.
Event 5
The Aztecs have great architectural styles and designs that have even impressed the Spaniards. Their most famous structure being the pyramids with twin temples. The houses they build resemble mountains as they assume they were protected from the rains by the mountains. The grand palaces are other structures made by the Aztecs, and they make sure they have pleasure palaces, gardens as well as large courtyards (Aztec-history, n.d.). Symbolism was significantly used in the construction of this structures.
Event 6
The Spaniards have now come back with fighting amours, horses, dogs and a big army to bring my Aztec empire. They have also come with a strange disease that is making our people weak, and they are dying in big numbers. We are no longer able to fight to protect our empire, and the Spaniards are gradually taking over the Aztec empire and changing how we used to live.
Event 7
The conquistadors have now started settling into the new world that is the Aztec empire. They use technologies and farming methods unknown to the natives of Aztecs. They show them how to till land using tools li...
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