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Ottoman Empire and the Bill of Rights (Other (Not Listed) Sample)

Busbecq probably wanted to educate European readers on the virtues and dynamics of the Ottoman Empire if they had to face the Ottomans. He appran emaciated specific ways of the Ottoman system, particularly the efficiency that was based on merit (Callahan, 2024). His goals include presenting the otherness of the cultures while presenting the order and military-like structure of the empire to the readership. By these observations, Busbecq, though attempting to turn the Ottoman threat into a positive tendency, aimed at providing information, perhaps even an alert, to European authorities. source..
Ottoman Empire and the Bill of Rights Author Course Instructor Due date Ottoman Empire and the Bill of Rights Task 01 The Ottoman Empire - Documents Question 1 Busbecq’s Goals in Writing His Account Busbecq probably wanted to educate European readers on the virtues and dynamics of the Ottoman Empire if they had to face the Ottomans. He appran emaciated specific ways of the Ottoman system, particularly the efficiency that was based on merit (Callahan, 2024). His goals include presenting the otherness of the cultures while presenting the order and military-like structure of the empire to the readership. By these observations, Busbecq, though attempting to turn the Ottoman threat into a positive tendency, aimed at providing information, perhaps even an alert, to European authorities. Question 2 Role of Personal Merit in the Ottoman Military and Government ` According to the analysis of documents 1 and 2, it can be stated that the concept of individual merit was essential in the Ottoman Empire, particularly in the aspects of military and government base. Busbecq also underlines that people might rise to the top in state offices by merit, citing their abilities and achievements. The same result came out in Mimar Sinan's career, where architecture expertise and hard, among other qualities, reused recognition influence. The superiority of self-achievement over heredity also proved advantageous for the Ottomans because it enabled them to tap into talent. This aspect is evident in the administration and the military. Question 3 Evidence of the Ottoman Sultan's Fabulous Wealth The authors of Documents 3 and 4 give some details about the richness of the Ottoman sultan-their descriptions are about the lavish interior they have seen. Majestic buildings, gorgeous raiment, and royal festivities proved the sultan's fabulous richness (Özlü, 2022). The documents also discuss where the sultan kept his money, and the wealthy treasury collection indicated the sultan's authority. These displays, however, were not only for mere symbolism but also for what is more important, to intimidate the empire's subjects at home and rivals abroad about its potency. Question 4 Authors' Feelings About the Wealth on Display Relating to Directive 3 and 4, the authors of the documents may have felt reluctant about the richness perceived in the Ottoman community. On one hand, they could not but admire the greatness and luxury of the environment the sultan was surrounded by. The descriptions bring out the impression that the next level of affluence was way beyond what they saw in the royal courts of Europe. However, there may have been traces of the inherent awkwardness or, at least, disquiet, as the displayed opulence highlighted the utterly enormous power differential between the Ottoman Empire and other nations. Task 02 The Bill of Rights of 1689 Question 1 Justification for the Change of Monarch 1689 Bill of Rights gives a legal basis to the change of a monarch because it states that James II violated the English laws and liberties. His contempt towards the Parliament and support for the Catholic Church were regarded as a menace to Protestantism and the system of government (Kulkarni & Pfaff, 2022). Looking at the document, we can get the idea that the claim of William and Mary to the throne was legitimate and that they had to come to power to protect the Protestant religion and revive the principles of the rule of law. Their coronation to the throne was based on the fact that they would respect and work to defend these rights and ensure that powers' excesses could not be witnessed in the future. Question 2 Effective Restrictions on Limiting Monarchical Power Some restrictions in the Bill of Rights of 1689 played a crucial role in taming the monarch's power. There was a provision that suspension of laws could only occur after approval by Parliament so that the monarch could not unilaterally reverse laws. Two of them include the requirement that taxes could ...
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