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Workforce Planning Management (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
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Workforce Planning Management
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Workforce Requirements
The Local Government Area (LGA) of autumn has a population of 4505 males and 2024 females, covers an area of 5679km2 with the diversity of industries. The pre-amalgamation organizational chart shows the office of general manager with four staff members, the human resource with five members, business services with thirteen, planning and environment service with seven, public works services with twenty-nine and recreational and community services with twenty-six. The LGA of Spring has a population of 5456 males and 4116 females covering 8935km2 with mixed agricultural and industrial activities (Ward, Tripp & Maki, 2013). The spring organizational chart consists of a total of 119 staff members with various job statuses including full-time contract, full-time permanent, part time contract and part-time permanent.
Reasons for Staff Turnover
The grounds for staff turnover in the two councils are demographic, geographical and resource factors. The new workforce is aligned towards organizational structure and increasing the reduction of inefficiencies on the boards, therefore, qualifying to be acceptable. Similarly, the staff turnover has considered the geographical area vis-à-vis the population resulting in an efficient staff.
Strategies that should have been used to Address Staff Turnover levels
The strategies include management of the recruitment and retention of staff, voluntary severance and elimination of redundant staff members.
Summer Council’s Workforce Profile and Requirements
Summer organizational chart consists of 128 members of staff holding different statuses in their jobs including full-time contract, full-time permanent, part time contract and part-time permanent (Smith, 2012). The requirements are that one shall apply for the exciting position by the policies and procedures of summer council’s HR department. Another requirement is that employees are transferred on newly negotiated terms of a contract or permanent employment.
Workforce Objectives and Strategies
Strategies that can be used to retain the Existing Skilled Labor
The strategies that can be used to keep skilled labor the councils are establishing a grievance resolution process establish defined accountabilities and performance expectations and preparation of job descriptions aligned towards the organizational chart.
Objectives to ensure Cross-Cultural Management and Workforce Diversity
The amalgamated Summer Council should incorporate both males and females in their workforce to ensure gender diversity in their organizational chart. The Council should also focus on employing their members of staff from different social-cultural and generational backgrounds. Similarly, besides sharing of job positions based on productivity levels, the sharing should take into account members of various ethnic backgrounds to enhance cross-cultural management in the council.
Strategies for Sourcing Skilled Labor
The sourcing of skilled labor force by the council will require effective communication of existing vacant positions. The human resource department will be needed to conduct extensive interviews focusing on applicant’s capabilities and productivity levels. The council will also be required to have suitable remuneration rates to retain and attract a qualified and skilled workforce.
Communication Strategies to Communicate Workforce Changes
The most appropriate communication strategy is the use of official council’s letters addressing all members of staff. The letters should convey information regarding the changes that have occurred, expectations of the management towards the staff and the necessary conditions to be meant. Formal meetings should be arranged to give information to members of staff and receive their feedback. The human resource managers should formulate performance contracting process touching on all members of staff in the organizational chart (Vance & Vaiman, 2008). The staff should be informed the benefits of the new changes and the accompanying consequences failure to meet the set performance objective. The disciplinary actions to members spreading rumors and unfounded speculations will be immediate termination more so if the rumors cause widespread panic in the council.
Workforce initiatives and implementation
Core HR Stages Associated with Restructuring Workforce in an Organization
The first stage entails identification of the workforce to be restructured and the expected results. Members of the staff to be deployed or restructured should be given sufficient information, their new job description, and their work plans. Sensitizatio...
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