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A Reflection On The Data Communications Class Discussions And Readings (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


The task was to write a reflection on the data communications class discussions and readings.


Data Communications Reflection
As the computer network security advances and reaches a point that has never been reached in history, so do computer networks become more vulnerable than they have ever been. Network and operating system security has come a long way since computers were first introduced. Today, there are more users of the computer, and computer systems have had to support many simultaneous users. The security of computer systems has had to become more complex so that users can be protected from one another. After having gone through the reading assignments, I have chosen the three concepts that interested me the most to be the subject of my refection. These are auditing, system development life cycle, and network modelling.
Auditing is a very important process in data communication in that it can help to deter crime ad to apprehend the criminal after having committed a crime. This, it does through a software program whose work is to monitor every transaction within a system. This concept relates to data communication in that it monitors transactions and records them according to the time when they occurred. Inappropriate transactions have their data scanned and their information retrieved. The best thing about auditing is that there are several computer programs that are available which are good enough to be able to audit all the transactions occurring on the computer system. In addition, there is no waste of money in auditing because if it helps to catch a criminal and prevent crime, the cost of installing it is nothing compared to the loss that would have been incurred were the crime successful. Personally, I feel auditing should be used on all computer systems because they are effective and prevent a lot of damage to data.
The system development life cycle is another important concept in data communications, which allows businesses to use computer systems to develop their own systems. The system development life cycle has helped many businesses in the past in that they were able to identify the best solution for their problem though the various phases of the SDLC. In the future, SDLC will affect data communication in that it will help developers to go about the process of developing new systems faster and with ease, incurring fewer costs and with less risks. SDLC will definitely be very important in my career. It will serve as a guide to me in the process of developing new computer systems. The phases of SDLC, when fo...
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