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Creative Writing
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The Big Break for Abel (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


the task in this case is creative writing. the title is "abel gets his big break." like most creative writing assignments, this sample does not utilize any sources. it is presented in mla and is just one page. it is 100% original and is meant to demonstrate a level of writing creativity on the part of the writer. it is double-spaced and in American English.


The Big Break for Abel

We shall not be visiting the site on Friday as earlier agreed. Instead, we shall do it on Monday,” Kanti politely informed Abel over the phone regarding the postponement of their plans to take a potential buyer to a piece of land Abel was selling on behalf of someone. Abel had struggled to his big in real estate without much success. He had hoped this was his big break. “Oh my God,” he muttered to himself, careful not let Kanti pick his despair. “It is okay,” he replied. Kanti hang up. Monday came, and to Abel’s surprise, Kanti called. The intended buyer and another broker, Mr. Dipak, had showed up, ready to visit the site. Abel sped quickly, picked them, and drove them to the sprawling twenty-four acres of prime land. The real size was thirty-six acres but twelve were regarded as riparian land. It was a real deal. The potential buyer, Mr. Zaki, walked carefully from one corner of the land to another, looking at the soil and asking questions about boundaries, the type of soil, and ownership of the land.

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