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Comparative Analysis of Willam Blakes Poems: The Lamb and The Tyger (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


this was argumentative essay that tried to get a Comparative Analysis of Willam Blake′s Poems: ″The Lamb″ and ″The Tyger

Comparative Analysis of Willam Blake′s Poems: ″The Lamb″ and ″The Tyger
William Blake is a well-known poetry writer and is associated with two famous poetry of songs of innocence and songs of experience. In songs of Innocence, the poems are always happy and bright hence have a happy ending. The poems are believed to be showing the child's outlook on the world innocent and eager. There is, however, changes in the mood when it comes to the songs of Experience. The poems at one particular point become more realistic, sadder and darker hence drops the mood of the innocent child who moves to the sight of an experienced and weathered adult who have the knowledge of the real world than he or she is supposed to know.
The two collections of poems always move together since there are many of the poems in the songs of innocence corresponds to poems in the songs of experience. However, the poems in the songs of innocence always portray brighter or happier side of the story while poems in the songs of experience give a darker or sadder sides of the events. Many of these poems are however religious hence deals majorly with issues to do with God. In the analysis, we are going, therefore, to deal with The Lamb from the songs of Innocence and The Tyger from the songs of Experience.
In the poem of the Lamb, the story begins where the child is asking the lamb whether it knows who its maker was. However, it is later in the poem that we came to know the fact that the one who was making inquiries was the child in the poem. The obvious answer that the child got was that God was the creator of the lamb. The child goes ahead to explain to the lamb the benefits that God gave it like sweet voice, life , food and of course clothing. Going to the second stanza, we are able to see that the child is telling the lamb that it was made by God. The child goes ahead to tell the lamb that it is called lamb which implied little child. At the end of the poem, we see that the child is asking God to bless the lamb thereby telling the lamb that God bless thee.
On the other hand, in the poem of the Tyger is asking several questions in order to know who would have made the Tyger. More specifically, the poem is trying to inquire who would have really been behind the making of an evil creature like the Tyger. “what immortal eye or hand could frame thy fearful symmetry?” is the question that the poem begins by asking. We, therefore, see the question being asked in the poem in very different ways. And what art, and what shoulder, could twist the sinews of thy heart? Are some of the questions that are frequently asked in the poem.
These two poems are therefore very much contrasting since one is sinister and darker while the other is cheery, brighter and innocent. What could, therefore, make these two poems to move together to an extent that one easily talk of one poem without necessarily touching on the other? The true representation of the lamb in the poem are true happiness and goodness that are found on the earth. However, Tyger on the other side represents all the complications and evil things that people face in the world. If the two poems are combined then the question that one will ask him or herself is one which is worth contemplating. The question will, therefore, try to know how such simple evils and simple goods exist in the would.
If one is interested in connecting the two poems to human nature then the question to be asked would be aimed at finding the answer as to why such good and evil things are contained in a small and short-lived human nature. On the religious set-up, however, the poems try to know how God could have ended up making both ups and down, good and evil in the world,
By combining the two poems, one will ask a deep incredibly question which deals with the very basis of the world as we all know. Hence the question will definitely be on the evils and goods that p...
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