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Literature & Language
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English (U.S.)
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Argumentative Outline on Language and Cultural Diversity (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


Outline for an ARGUMENTATIVE essay
Include; Introduction and rationale, Support and argument, Challenges, and conclusion to the outline.
The Support and argument section IS the main body of the outline thus it should be broad and well outlined. It should also have correct citations.
Finish with the references.


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Professor Name
Argumentative Outline
I. Introduction and rationale
1 Cultural diversity and various distinct factors help form a society's social group.
2 Importance of culture as a tool for transferring knowledge and teachings to generation.
3 Language diversity should be at school to promote an understanding of cultural diversity in society (WolFram, 30).
II. Support and argument
A. Standard Only English
1 The adoption of only standard English in American schools (WolFram, 29).
2 Adopting standard English in schools for children and students poses a challenge to the community as it leaves no space for incorporating other languages.
3 A challenge in English-only schools, as students develop

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