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Prepare an Affinity Diagram source..
AFFINITY DIAGRAM: SHOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY A shoe manufacturing company is having a problem with returns and customer complaints in their boot division. Top executives are meeting to figure out what these problems in the boot division are costing the company. They used an Affinity Diagram to get at the roots of the problems in the Boot Division of the Company. PRODUCTION PLANNING SALES PROMOTION HUMAN RESOURCE CUSTOMER SERVICE/CARE FINANCE/MANAGEMENT Lack of comprehensive Total Quality Management Product developed without a realistic development process Pressure for success Lack of update and refresher trainings Refresher training Lack of follow up to departmental issues and complaints Collected data not comprehensively to guide production Production team cohesiveness Competition versus cooperation Production team peace of mind Complaints handling Old entrenched thinking culture New data collection tools may be needed Market trends Short term versus long term mentality Lack of follow up on staff complaints Feedback to customers Lack of innovation Production time allotment may be unrealistic What does the boot buyer want Staff remuneration package People too busy to learn new tricks Customer compensation Resource allocation Too many shoe projects at hand simultaneously Stakeholder and staff involvement Sales rewards system Responsiveness to staff complaints and issues Customer team size Lack of creativity Production overhead costs too high Creativity and new thinking Media usage Responsiveness to complaints by clients Too many projects being handled Resource optimization is lacking Delivery systems Sales training ...
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