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Introduction to Safe Haven for Women for the New Project Manager (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


the task was about business introduction and an invitation letter to a motivation speaker.

[Insert Name]
Safe Haven for Women
63 Greenvale St, Suite 2
Upstate, NY 10947
November 5, 2013
Ms. Cyndi Hubbard
12, Freewill Road
Upstate, NY 10947
Introduction to Safe Haven for Women for the New Project Manager
Dear Ms. Hubbard
It is with great pleasure that I welcome to Safe Haven for Women as a new projects manager. I am very pleased that you have accepted to take on the responsibility of replacing me as the firm’s project manager. I am equally pleased to congratulate you for beating the pool of applicants who had applied for this job and we look forward to a mutually beneficial association.
At this juncture, I wish to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed with the achievements made so far. Firstly, it is important to let you know the motivation behind the invention of the Safe Haven for Women. As the name suggests, the inspiration to form this firm stemmed from the realization that there were disparities between the women and men employees in many spheres of life. The firm is mandated to conduct annual festivals to allow the both genders to come out and share in their diversities. These festivals have been a big success in the past.
May I also take this opportunity to reiterate the facts that I had disclosed in an earlier e-mail. This position requires the holder to be firm, fair and friendly. By this I mean that you must be fair in your dealings with the employees. However, fairness and firmness does not mean that you should tolerate mediocrity among the employees. There will come a time in the course of your work where you will have to reprimand an employee. For instance, there is an employee in your new department that is out on a two weeks suspension for his lack of cooperation during the planning stage of the previous festivities. Festival planning and execution is a complex undertaking which requires a total dedication from all and sundry. Having said that, let me know give you a proposed letter inviting Dr. Wale to speak in this year’s festival:
Dear Sir
Re: Invitation to Offer a Motivation talk in Safe Haven for Women’s Annual Festival.
I wish to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to come and speak in the above mentioned event. Safe Haven for Women has closely followed your speeches and public speaking all over the country and we are convinced that you are the right speaker in this event. We look forward to having you.
Project Manager
P.s feel free to modify the letter to fit your taste and preference.
Before we continue, may I also take this opportunity to appreciate my supervisor for her continued support, which contributed immensely to the general success of last year’s festivals. At this juncture may I encourage you to wor...
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