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3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
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Industry analysis speech Business & Marketing Research (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


The task aimed at preparing a speech for an already written presentation


The industrial analysis of Uber focuses on present business environment.
Potential competition
The Uber analysis depicts the competition listing. Other companies provide ride hailing services(Parnell 2016) . Uber reserves itself as the best ride hailing service. The competition brings in rivalry to the competitors. The bargaining powers stands out in the Porter's Analysis of Uber.
Industry development
Uber aims at investing to remain the best despite the competition. The analysis portrays the developments of Uber in the third quarter. It is investing big despite the losses incurred(Dudley, Barrister and Schwanen 2017) . The company sets for a mega deal. Uber has already invested in scooters and electric bikes for a diverse coverage.
Company's position

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