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The Industrial Revolution's Effect on Social Class (Reaction Paper Sample)


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The Industrial Revolution's Effect on Social Class
Britain's ascendancy to global geopolitical dominance, naval dominance, and economic importance marked the start of the Industrial Revolution. As the revolution spread across Europe, the stratification of the West's social classes took a "quantum leap." Material wealth grew, child labor became prevalent, and women began to work (Spielvogel "Western Civilization: A Brief History 443). Workers enjoyed better living conditions because they earned more money. The Industrial Revolution altered the social stratification of Western nations by increasing factory owners' wealth, improving living conditions for paid laborers, and promoting gender equality when women entered the male-dominated working class.
The advancement of technology and the establishment of factories resulted in the creation of more jobs for the working middle class. European governments began building better roads and establishing river transit networks after the Napoleonic Wars (Engerman and O'Brien 459). These improvements to the infrastructure boosted cross-continent trade and encouraged more enterprises to open locations throughout Europe. The demand for more laborers, combined with the activities of labor organizations, improved working conditions and resulted in increased wages for workers (Spielvogel "Western Civilization: 

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