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John Locke's Theory of the Nature of the Human Mind (Reaction Paper Sample)


It is a reflection On philosopher john locke's theory of human nature. The paper responds to the following questions:
1. What is Locke’s definition of a person?
2. What is the point that Locke makes with the story of the talking parrot? How does he distinguish between man and person?
3. According to Locke, what does personal identity consist of?
4. For Locke, when can you be held responsible for an action?


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Reflection on “The Nature of Human Mind”
What is Locke’s definition of a person?
Lock defines a person as an intelligent Being capable of thinking, reasoning, and reflecting. It can also recognize its own existence in different spaces and times (Locke 115). He further asserts that consciousness gives a person the ability to think independently, which is critical to the survival of personal identity. Indeed, perception would be impossible if the person cannot perceive its ability to perceive. In this sense, the intersection of consciousness and thinking enables a person to distinguish self from other entities, giving the person identity.
What is the point that Locke makes with the story of the talking parrot? How does he distinguish between man and person?
In the story of the talking parrot, Lock wants to substantiate his claim that the man is a human animal,

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