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The Lessons We Take from Obstacles We Encounter Can Be Fundamental to Later Success. Recount A Time When You Faced A Challenge, Setback, Or Failure. How Did It Affect You? And What Did You Learn from The Experience? (Reaction Paper Sample)

the sample required a reflection on The Lessons We Take from Obstacles We Encounter and how they Can Be Fundamental to future Success. the instructions required a Recount of A Time When You Faced A Challenge, Setback, Or Failure, noting How It Affect You And What You did Learn from The Experience. The reflection paper did not require any references. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The Lessons We Take from Obstacles We Encounter Can Be Fundamental to Later Success. Recount A Time When You Faced A Challenge, Setback, Or Failure. How Did It Affect You? And What Did You Learn from The Experience? Life experiences present significant challenges and opportunities which form the basis of our future success or failure. Every obstacle that poses a threat to development in life also showcases a person’s life-changing opportunity. Perseverance and positivity are crucial factors that determine how the challenges experienced can effectively promote or derail growth, whether economically or based on how we relate with other people. Personally, life has never given me a good taste. In every experience, I took it to be unfair, but, in my opinion, after every mile of turmoil, there is always a chance to better yourself and be successful. When I was growing up, my entire life revolved around significant challenges about family issues. As a second born to my mother, I lived enduring the emotional breakdown seeing my elder sister having health complications having a brain tumor and being partially deaf. I was so attached to her, and I felt the pain she was going through as being sick and when in school, since we would be separated because she needed special education. Through every experience, I knew I had an obligation to take care of her physically and emotionally. However, she was just a drop in the ocean. Our parents often had disputes that critically affected their relationship and our financial challenges led to many more problems. But as I grew older, more problems pilled up, from parents’ separations, mother’s drug addictions, homelessness and unending financial problems as my mother had more children. Despite the challenges I went through, I always believed I had a much better future. As more siblings came, my obligations to be responsible and accountable to our future also increased since my mother was not able to offer enough care. Things seemed to be stabilizing ...
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