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Research paper -Topic can be anything HEALTH RELATED (Research Paper Sample)

Topic- any topic as long as it is health related, such as obesity, specific cancer, anything you interested in. A research paper 5 pages of text is required. Please include a typewritten abstract, and reference list in addition to text. It is encouraged to use the World-wide-web for reference, most of which should be less than 18 months old. The paper should be in APA format. At least four reference required. The grade depends upon proper in-text citations. Points will be deducted if the paper is late, is not in proper format, or does not have proper APA in-text citations. If the paper has too high a SafeAssign Matching Score(over 25%)the student received F. source..
Running head: Research Paper- Breast Cancer Name Course Tutor DateAbstract Breast cancer is a terminal illness claiming the lives of many people each year. Information about the disease detailing the aspects of the disease is largely available to the population. Government and other charity organizations continue to increase the awareness of breast cancer and fund research. Every year the world marks breast cancer day also known as the pink ribbon day. Cancer diagnosis involves some simple procedures that individuals can perform on themselves regularly. Advanced screening techniques are available with a visit to the doctor once suspicion occurs. Persons in peril of developing breast cancer; such as women and individuals baring a mutant form of gene BRCA have screening, options at their disposal that enable detection at the earliest of stages. Treatment procedures are available with research ongoing to develop better therapies and a vaccine. Introduction Cancer refers to a broad group of diseases involving uncontrollable cell division. More than 200 different types of cancers affect humans. The unregulated cell growth results in the formation of a malignant tumor, which spread to nearby body parts. The cancerous cells may spread to other body parts through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. The causes of cancer are complex and difficult to determine, however; there are many factors known to increase the risk of developing cancer. These factors damage the genes or increase the chances of manifestation of an already existing problem. About 10% of all the cancer cases are hereditary. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that initiates in the tissues of the breast. Breast cancer affects all mammals, including humans. This type of cancer is extra frequent in women. The occurrence of the cancer in men is usually fatal because of the late detection of the disease. There are many organizations seeking to enhance the awareness of breast malignancy, especially in women because the majority of the cases is in the female gender. In the United States, there are in excess of 200,000 diagnosis of breast cancer annually. More than 40,000 women pass on because of breast melanoma or breast melanoma related illness each year. Signs, symptoms, and diagnosis All cancers occur because of mutations in the genes. Genes control all the activities within the cells, including division. Specific genes signal to the cells through production of certain chemicals when to stop dividing. In the cancerous cells, the specific gene producing the protein to stop the division is damaged because of the mutation. Technology allows for the detection of breast cancer before they cause any symptoms of the patients. Doctors use screening mammograms, however; there are some types of cancers not detected using mammogram (Barry, 2012). A new lump or mass in the breast region is the most frequent indicator of breast cancer. The lump may be painless, hard, and irregular. In some instances, the lump is painful. Some breast cancer can cause tender and smoothed lumps. Breast lumps are common in women and most of them are not cancerous. The detection of new lumps in the breast should prompt an individual to consult a medical professional. The detection of lumps can be either through self-examination or through regular breast screening at the hospital. For self-examination, the patient uses three fingers to feel each breast applying varying degrees of pressure. In the breast screening procedure, the medical practitioner performs the test (Yaghjyan et al 2012). Skin is the largest organ in the body and is one of the first organs to show signs and symptoms when a body is diseased. Cancer causes the skin to change color and texture around the breast region. Skin dimpling is also common in cancer cases. The use of the skin, however, cannot confirm the presence or absence of cancer because the symptoms are common in many other diseases. Another symptom of cancer, although not exclusive to cancer is one breast becoming bigger or lower. Cancer development may affect the nipple in a number of ways. A rash may develop in or around the nipple; the nipple may also change location or figure or become reversed. A fluid that leaks out of the nipple without applying pressure is an indicator of cancer. The fluid may be brownish, red brownish, or clear. A greenish liquid is less likely to be breast cancer, however should be a cause for concern (Wong, 2012). In some instance, the breast cancer may spread beyond the breast to other organs. The symptoms caused are dependent on the organ infected. Common organs include liver, bone, lungs, and the brain. In the bones, the symptoms include pain in the bones and joints. When the liver is infected, the patient manifests neurological symptoms. This includes yellowing of the skin and the eyes. These symptoms are not specific to breast cancer that has spread but their occurrences should prompt a visit to a medical practitioner because the possibility of a primary breast cancer cause is real. Breast pain may be an indicator of cancer, however, breast pain is very common and many women experience pain, especially before and during their period. Once a patient or doctor identifies a lump, which seems suspicious a pathologist conducts a biopsy. This involves the removal of suspected tissue for further examination. Although there is no agreement on the best procedure for self-examination, it is recommended that women should start a self - test from their early twenties. At the age of 40 and beyond women should visit the doctor at least once a year for breast cancer screening (Scotting, & Howard, 2013). Risk factors, prevention, and management Causes of breast cancer are yet to be established, however; there are several risk factors that have been shown to amplify the probability of developing breast cancer. The risk factors can be either avertable or inevitable. Age greatly determines the probability of developing cancer. The probability of getting cancer increases with age. Results from studies indicate that a woman in her 60s is 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer than in her 20s. Cancer incidents in young patient, however; tend to be more insistent. Sex as a risk factor is second only to age. Women are extra probable to develop breast cancer than men are. Indeed 99% of all breast tumor cases in the United States are in women. The occurrence of breast cancer seems to be on the rise with some developing nations in Africa recording 5-15% breast cancer prevalence in men. The rate of fatality because of breast cancer is higher in men than in women partly because of the last diagnosis of the infection. The late diagnosis stems from the thinking that breast cancer is a disease that affects only women (Barry, 2012). Heredity factor is an inevitable factor that accounts for 5% of all breast cancer cases. The gene BRCA, account for most of the cases. Individuals carrying a mutated form of the gene are 70% more likely to develop cancer than others are. Other factors, such as the consumption of alcohol and the use of tobacco are preventable factors that amplify the possibility of developing breast tumor. Obesity and inadequate exercise are factors resulting from lifestyle choices that contribute to the increased risk of cancer. Individuals who do not have sufficient exercise and those obese are at a higher risk of developing cancer regardless of their age and sex. Gaining weight after menopause also considerably enhances the chances of developing breast tumor in females. Exposures to chemicals from industrial or agricultural processes that have carcinogenic properties and treatment of other illnesses using radiation significantly boost the possibility of developing breast cancer. Race is another factor that influences the risk of developing breast cancer. Whites are at a greater peril of developing breast cancer than Blacks are. The exert reason for this is unknown; however, breast cancer in Blacks is usually more aggressive (Scotting, & Howard, 2013). Breast cancer prevention is only applicable when one considers the avertable factors. Factors, such as age, sex, gene mutations are beyond control. To lower the risk of developing cancer an individual should reduce exposure to risk factors, such as alcoholism and smoking. This may, include limiting the intake of alcohol or not taking altogether, stop smoking, control body weight, and exercising regularly. Avoiding the exposure to carcinogenic substances and radiation significantly diminis...
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