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Building Trust in Virtual Workplace (Research Paper Sample)
Building Trust in Virtual Workplace
Building Trust in Virtual Workplace
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Question 1
The department of Human Resource and the line manager are of more concern on how to build trust in a virtual workplace which would make the business organization management since teams cannot work in a desired manner when the workers or managers lack trust to one another, therefore building and maintaining trust in a mere workplace is not that easy. In a virtual environment, building and maintaining trust is considered very tough because they work with co-workers whom they have never met with in any days of the work. The collaboration between the HR managers and the line managers is of a great importance to the organization on which they operate through profession and areas of specialization, they try to employ some business techniques that are very effective to both co-workers and the management teams. According to my research, for the leaders and other related stakeholders to build trust and virtual globally workforce, technology takes the priority to enhance interaction instead of considering virtual working method outdated. From the point of view, the two stakeholder’s checks on the most comprehensive and influential models on how to effectively work with those in the virtual world. The collaboration readiness will fit the organization when the HR managers and the line manager’s base their argument on a common ground, which is the knowledge both, has with a conclusion that all of them share the knowledge. Collaboration readiness can lead to work coupling and out of all it needs technology readiness. Through coupling an organization participants can automatically know which kind of communication is required by the work and to what extent. For instance, tightly coupled work always needs complex and frequent communications because they are highly interdependence.
With the technology readiness, an organization or a company on their will can use this method to enhance effective technology in order to provide effective information to be distributed in different virtual workplaces around the globe. Since the distributed workers are not in the same location, the managers force the use of different technology to communicate if there are changes or checks on the progress of the project they were doing. Due to the constant technological change, different teams or groups use different kinds of technology an organization can easily reach its maximum in the competitive globe.
Question 2
Integrity and personality forms part of any business enterprise or company that checks on the prosperity and shares increment. Managers and the related stakeholders should be in a position to run an organization effectively and efficiently and this requires people with not just a mere thinking but those with integrity and great personalities. Integrity and personality is currently influenced by the massive increase in competition in the business environment. Many employers turn to employment test through their personalities and this is the way they use to improve their workforce. According to the survey done by the American Management Association, psychological testing is done and forty four percent of its respective members use personality testing in selecting employees.
Personality and Integrity is relatively needed in many employment sectors and other related jobs. For example they are a requirement when seeks an employment in a business sector such as business managers which can be both governmental and non-governmental offices or firms and projects. It is needed by the project managers and even surveying jobs.
Many companies actually will use this method of an employment test through integrity and personality to evaluate the employees in the coming years to improve on the organizations outputs and extensions. We are in a competitive world which needs people with related skills and specialty in the related business sanctions and branches, it also changes the normal outlook of the general business and this bring about gradual change in the workplace
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