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Human Resource Decisions (Research Paper Sample)


Strategic planning process is elaborated in this research paper where it:
>Explains the basic steps in the planning process.
>Describe the steps in the decision-making process and predict how the personal attributes of the manager influence decision making. 
>When considering the steps in the strategic planning process and the environmental factors that influence decision making, predict how these elements impact the quality productivity profitability

Assignment 2: Human Resource Decisions
Human Resource Decisions
The process of recruitment has a very crucial influence on the motivation of personnel, the organization’s efficiency and overall, the personnel and staff satisfaction. Job recruitment is the practice of searching for and obtaining quality individual profiles for the business or organization. This process involves sourcing for exact profiles that would fill up the vacancy/ position by the recruiters. Through skilled recruiters, such profiles could be located by several hunting techniques such as from job boards, resume databases, social sites or even references.
The organization has in its capacity recruitment strategies and approaches that would best suit the nature of the vacancy to be occupied. Therefore, the types of recruitments are categorized into internal recruitment and external recruitment methods.
Internal recruitment process is recruitment where potential candidates are recruited from the internal source; these are the employees that are currently employed in the company. From these candidates, the employees are evaluated by their performance in order to ascertain whether they are fit and up to the mark. Chosen candidates would then be allowed to occupy the higher levels/ positions within the company. As one of the easiest ways of finding suitable candidates for recruitment, since their performance can be easily accessed by the management, the some of the methods for achieving the internal recruitment are;
* Using retired employees to take up the freelancing positions; the organization could call back these personnel who are in retirement since they cut back on cost in training and time wasting. This is commonly a temporary measure only to assist to reduce the recruitment process. The retired personnel are also given a sense of pride when his/ her services are highly valued even past their retirement time.
* Employee recommendation is also another method that could be used; through this method, the members of the staff themselves are required to select and recommend their fellow workmates for the job. The employees are perfectly aware of the working conditions are required and therefore suggest the individuals who would best adjust to the situation.
The company is benefited from internal recruitment because of merits where the employees get the opportunities to enrich or change their carrier paths. It is the easiest and cheapest source of recruitment where it does not have any special care or requirements and it operates quite automatically. The interviewing process is not very detailed either. However, the demerits are also present since internal recruitment process leads to conflicts among the personnel. This is because high competition for lucrative positions can lead to discrimination in respective to religion, race or language for the promotion. In addition, due to the new positions, the employees may ask for more salaries, allowances and benefits while those dissatisfied ones can quit their positions due to partiality or jealousy. Best employees might disappear from the organization if such quick changes are not supported efficiently (Van, A. S.,& University of Stellenbosch, 2008).
External recruitment process on the other hand is assessment of job candidates from the external sources that is other than the staff existing, to determine whether there are qualified of sufficiently skilled to occupy the existing vacancy. External employees that have already worked in other major companies or organizations already have adequate knowledge and understanding of the competitive markets and business strategies. Recruitment through external sources might be more challenging; some of the methods that this could be achieved are;
* Through Newspaper advertisements; it is one of the most known and oldest methods of obtaining external recruitment candidates. Job advertisements are supplied to leading newspapers entailing detailed job descriptions and requirements plus the salaries and allowances offered by employer. Applicants must get in touch through the contacts provided with the advertisement and within the time limit specified. This technique has very effective reach to all candidates therefore most preferred by among all the other methods of recruitment (Washington, E.,et al., 2011).
* Direct walk in interview has also gained favourable importance. It’s an external recruitment method where the job advertisement is spread through newspapers, internet, word of mouth and even the media. The location and time of interview once reaches the candidates, they are required to appear directly for the interview with their Resumes/ C.V and other certificates.
When the company recruits new members from outside, several advantages are realised. Such as, it opens up the organization to more applicants increasing the possibilities of getting the perfect profile for the vacancy. Furthermore, this allows introduction of fresh talent with unique skills that would motivate the current personnel in realizing the organization’s goals. The organization would be creating a bigger brand on its external outlook and that translates to more productivity. However, external recruitment also has disadvantages to hiring these external candidates. The recruitment would take longer and the company would spend more in hiring than when it used internal recruitment methods. This may lead to lower morale to the current employees as they start to feel this process would reduce their chances of being promoted. In addition, when external candidates are employed, they would require more time to settle in and adapt to the new environment, and they might also need some training which would incur more costs in the long run (Van, A. S., & University of Stellenbosch, 2008).
Diversity in the work place by definition are the individual qualities which are outside the categories within which we belong and are different from our own, yet they are present in other people and groups. Of course, diversity widely includes also other variances within the organization such as educational background, work experience, marital status and much more. Managing diversity is concerned with the maximizing of employees’ ability to contribute to the organizational targets and goals. This targets all employee groups within all sets of diversities. Equal employment opportunity (EEO)on the other hand refers to the freedom that is from discrimination on the basis of religion, colour, disability, race, nationality, age and sex. It is a term that ensures the working environment is void of any forms of unlawful harassment and/ or discrimination (Bell, M. P., 2012). EEO is highly concerned with provision of equal opportunities to each individual however targeting the employees belonging to particular groups.
Equal Employment Opportunity rights are guaranteed by the federal government and thus they are legally mandated. Managing diversity on the other hand is not legally mandated but it is voluntary. It is an initiative by the organization and surpasses the minimal standards. For instance, a job candidate who has been denied employment suspects unequal disbursement was due to discrimination has the authority to approach the law enforcers to challenge the organization. This cannot be said when the employees fail to reach the organization goals due to their uneven diversity.
In the workplace, diversity is playing major roles showing is necessity and importance to the future successes of businesses. Through diversity, people they can when people can accommodate each other’s differences, the feeling of respect and self-worth sets into the organization (Bell, M. P.,2012). This means that diversity brings out the full potential of employees. Due to this, diversity has a great influence to the organizational competiveness.
* Because of an organization’s success, there would be a greater embrace of diversity where employees with a diverse collection of experience and skills. An assessment by the organization of the workplace handling, implementation of diversity plans and recruitment of the diverse candidates would indicate more completion from the diverse talents and skills available.
* The companies which have embraced diversity in their workplaces give so much inspiration to their employees. These employees in turn provide quick and effective execution to companywide strategies. As a result, this leads to higher productivity, more profit and even better returns on the investments as compared to other competitors.
* A diverse workforce that is comfortable in communicating and exchanging ideas on varying points would have a wider scope on problems and mitigating issues affecting the organization. The organization can get ideas from this pool to meet its business strategy goals and the needs of their customers more than their competitors. For instance, by using diversity of Islam, Hindus and Christians within the same sales department of a restaurant company, their diverse knowledge on the foods that are eaten and avoid by the religions would help the management to customize the dishes to suit the specific customer with their needs. This would allow them to succeed across a wider customer base as compared to their competitors within the same. Field.
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