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Hiring and Testing New Employees (Research Paper Sample)
A report on hiring and Testing New Employees
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The primary subject matter of the report is to investigate the best means of hiring and testing new employees. This will be done through in-depth research of the different methods that are involved in recruiting employees. Through this research technique, the best methods were sampled out and also compared to other similar companies. The methods were then assessed both in the positive and negative dimensions and the recommendations given to each.INTRODUCTION. The outline of the report will first begin by determining the various methods of hiring and testing. After, the various methods that are used by other similar companies in their recruitment process were sampled out and the assessment of each method conducted.THE BODY. In every business environment, competition is the primary factor that keeps the business successful. This is limited to constraints where the employer has to find the best employees to run the company. The means of recruiting employees are evaluation measures. The first way is to measure the cognitive ability and personality test (Smart & Street, 2008). In this method, the employee measures the employer’s ability to be able to learn, adapt and solve problems. This test ensures that the employee is ready to fit into the new environment and eliminates the undecided new employees who also lack the needed personality measures. The second way is through the individual’s academic achievements test. This is mainly done by considering the various academic stages the individual has surpassed in his educational stage. Each stage is analysed, and points of weakness are noted out. This phase helps in recruiting the most skilled individuals for the business (Smart & Street, 2008). Applicants with few or no developed skills are eliminated at this point. The third phase is to measure the particular abilities of the employees. This phase mainly lies in the extra skills of the new employees. The new employees are exposed to a vocational interest test (Arthur, 2012). This measures the skill development with the applied occupations. Individuals with an extra set of competencies are obtained at this position. The last measure is the provision of a simple job simulation. This represents the aspect of work that the employee is expected to perform. This provides an insight of the expected outcome posed to the new employee. Research conducted by other companies has shown that the primary means used in hiring and testing of new employees is the academic and individual abilities/skills (Andler, 2010). Measuring of the academic test is the best method since this method evaluates the individual in the acquired skills. This is rewarding to persons who have performed well in their studies. This method has a negative impact on individuals with less ed...
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