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Human Resource Policy (Research Paper Sample)


1750 words
Abstract needed.
Topics Needing Covered:
1. Employee Attendance with incentives to work
2. Non Business Relationships between employees / Fratinization
3. Employees "moonlighting" or working for other companies
4. Dress Code within the company (business casual, business, casual etc.)
use the following resources from the annotated bibliography:
Annotated Bibliography
Berkovits, S. M., & Alvero, A. M. (2018). The effects of monetary incentives on planned and unplanned absences in adolescent part-time employees: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(1), 162-166.


Workplace Behavior.
The paper is grounded on employees' business concepts and conduct as they relate and interact with each other at the workplace. The workplace environment entails many activities that are either done in a teamwork fashion or those done at an individual level. Either way, a workplace functions well and productively because of each and every member’s input. The paper will show how these employees get the incentive to work and attend the workplace daily. A review of how they could be incentivized to work and attend work in a better way hence being more productive and spur the growth of the company.
The paper will also seek to discuss the relationships between employees outside the scope of their workplace duties. How do employees fraternize outside business and work environments? This and many other questions will be answered in the paper. The paper will also examine the practice of moonlighting and argue for or against such practices. Is it okay for an employee working for one company to moonlight at another company? Finally, the paper will address dress code issues within the company and how people dress to work. Does dress code affect interactions and general functionality at the workplace? The report will provide an in-depth analysis of these issues and how they operate in the workplace.
Employee Attendance.
The first post is about the providing of incentives to teen employees. The post by (Alvero & Berkovits 2018) advises that the same policy can be used to incentivize employees of all ages, even older ones. the incentives given to teen employees are monetary, and they are the most suitable form of incentives for that age group. This model ensures that teen employees don’t take time off work without valid reasons for their absenteeism.
An incentive-based attendance policy is a brilliant idea if applied to better attendance by seniors or older employees. Monetary incentives are most welcome by all ages of employees. There exist three general motivation theories in the field of business and employee satisfaction. They include Maslow's theory of need hierarchy, Herzberg’s theory two-factor motivation-hygiene theory, and McGregor’s theory x and theory y. The three theories explain how the employer would improve an employee's work strength and capability through motivation and motivating factors.
Marslow's need theory explains that a company should understand its employees' needs then provide those needs as incentives for better and more focused working. He satisfies that once an employee’s needs have been met, he will be able to work and be more productive since he will be unburdened, making him more focused.
Herzberg two factor motivation-hygiene theory divides an employee's incentives into two classes that he names hygiene factors and motivating factors. According to the proponents of this theory, an employee is demotivated by the primary factors and aspects of the surrounding work environment. Therefore, in order to motivate an employee, a company is advised to come up with elements that could apply change about the workplace environment to ensure the employees are comfortable and that they are optimistic about working and producing for the company.
The above two theories are the most informative when it comes to matters of employee motivation and satisfaction. They could be both applied to ensure success for the incentive-based attendance policy. Using incentives is not meant to discourage the unproductive workers or get them to quit; it is intended to motivate all employees to work harder and reach the company threshold to enjoy the benefits package.
Monetary incentives for work attendance are a fantastic idea. These incentives should be given on a biannual basis whereby the most diligent employees are honored for their excellent work and for their ability to attend the job without fail. These monetary incentives should be worth motivating the awardee.
The company should come up with ways of knowing what the employees need so that they provide those needs as incentives. The employer needs to understand the needs of the employees. This calls for interaction and p[roper relations within the company so that the employer knows his junior staff well. This is crucial so that the company widens the scope of the incentives it is capable of providing. Reasonably when dealing with adults, you expect to deal with a diversity of needs or expectations ranging from job advancement needs to health needs. Therefore, the employer is advised to provide other incentives apart from money since adult employees might not all be interested in the monetary aspect. These incentives will motivate workers to attend daily, and this will, in turn, benefit the company in that the production levels will go high, and the number of absent employees will only be determined by severe absenteeism issues, not just mere reasons. The incentive-based attendance policy is valid, and it could benefit most companies if utilized.
The post by (Brown 2017) introduces the idea of a company monitoring system that could be installed in a company to monitor employees' attendance and that of employers as well. The monitoring system calculates productivity in the company at an individual stage. It measures the amount of time spent at work by a given employee and how much work they have done in that time, as well as the time spent outside work. The analysis is then used to determine whether the employee is allowed to take the next leave off work or whether the company duties exclude him from going on holiday until he is able to catch up with his obligations at the workplace.
The attendance monitoring system could function better as compared to traditional methods of ensuring attendance by employees. The system is advantageous because it is not corruptible neither is it partial. If set to work, it can succeed since employees won’t want to be caught by a system and then end up losing their jobs. This model will provide better results and insights as to which employees are productive and the ones who are failing the company. However, the system will not be received well, and employees could end up protesting because of the harsh operating mechanism of the monitoring system.
The use ERP system database to monitor the attendance of employees and report the same to human resource managers on a daily basis is an appropriate step at ensuring employee attendance. (Babteen et al., 2019). The database is helpful in that employees will diligently work to meet their attendance ratios. The database is better at tracking attendance, unlike traditional methods, because it stores records and generates daily attendance reports.
Employee Relationships.
The third post is on fraternization and its implications in the workplace. Fraternization involves romantic relationships and also general friendships between workers of the same organization. (Luddum & Ford 2016). Most companies are against intercompany relationships between workers. Still, there is a need for these companies to revisit these rules and ensure that they don't infringe on their employees' privacy rights. Not all relationships are detrimental to the company; therefore, the company must consider some aspects before involving themselves in employees' affairs. The company should only be concerned where a senior and a junior employee start having relations, which would potentially lead to favoritism at other junior employees' expense.
Intercompany relationships could be allowed if the same took place outside work and if the relationship doesn't impact the productivity of those involved. These sexual romantic relationships are allowed in some companies, but those involved have to sign love contracts (Bergen 2020). The latter helps the company indemnify itself against any future suits that may arise if the lovers break up and it is sued for sexual harassment suits. The company is able to stay away from liability, but still, if such issues arise, they should investigate these issues thoroughly so that they are kept at fault. Love contracts are efficient so that people don’t lose jobs just for falling in love with each other.
The last article by (Winer 101) is also on workplace relationships. The author prescribes that companies should develop rules and regulations that should form part of their policies. These policies are designed to manage relationships at the workplace by basically discouraging their existence. The main reason for the policy is to stop any instances of junior and senior employee relationships. Relationships between the two will mostly lead to favoritism and impartiality, which will plague the entire workplace because junior employees will want to enter into relationships with seniors to get favored. The policy is an excellent idea because it eliminates any instances of sexual harassment suits and favoritism within the company, ensuring ethics and morality by all.
Moonlighting entails an employee working for another company. Some companies have to moonlight policies that help support those employees who need more money to support their families. Moonlighting is not encouraged since it leads to low productivity when the employee works two jobs and is too tired to produce as expected. The policy performs a check and balances on the productivity of the moonlighting employee. It provides the consequences on an employee whose quality of prod

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