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A Bibliography on Marriage and Family (Research Paper Sample)


In this course, I was to conduct research and submit a paper on a topic related to marriage and family. this sample was my final paper.


A Bibliography on Marriage and Family
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Berlin, G. (2004). The Effects of Marriage and Divorce on Families and Children. MDRC. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from
The article by Berlin looks at the effects of divorce, especially on the family and children. The article further looks at the policies that can help marriages work out without harming both partners and children born out of the marriage. Berlin first covers the basics of people knowing about the effects of divorce, marriage, and single parenthood, specifically on children. The author discusses programs and policies that are put in place to reduce or do away with divorces, single parenting and reduce chances of children born out of wedlock. The author discusses that when these programs and policies are put in place, the formed family are at a higher percentage likely to work out and thus have a strong family rooted in good virtues. Berlin further discusses the effects that are caused to children and low-income families. Low-income families may undergo challenges in enhancing the policies, and the effects felt by them are different from the impact in stable families.
Francis, T. (2021). Marriage & Family Review. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from
Francis's primary focus is on the family unit formation and the effects of today's family structures. This journal looks into themes related to family life and how families are formed, and the challenges they are likely to go through. The journal highlights the fundamental problems that most families are likely to face and overcome. Some of the most challenging issues that lead to the breakage of families such as infidelity. The journal further looks at family and marriages concerning other disciplines such as education, psychology, sociology, social work, child development, anthropology, nursing, public health, urban and policy studies, and communication. These disciplines are attempting to explain what family and marriage life entails in relation to that specific discipline. The journal looks at how family life can be diversified based on ethical concerns.
Ackerman, J., & Bergdoll, J. (2021). Most couples still make decisions together when they give charity, but it's becoming less common. The Conversation. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from
In this article, the interest is on whether the couples decide together when they want to donate to a charity organization. The article has first studied research that indicates the decision to contribute to a charity organization is now becoming low from 73% in 2005 to 62% in 2020. First, the article shows a clear picture of families' unity when it comes to making decisions related to financial issues at home. The unity with time is going down, an indication that the families may also be breaking and thus no trust in economic matters. This article looks at a family made up of a man and a woman and included LGBTQ couples. The article also analyzed the role women and play when it comes to financial matters and consultations. In their finding, the paper has found that 70% of charity donations come from families and not organizations. The article looked at the financial aid given to a charitable organization and volunteering and advocacy.
Temple, M. (2009). Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage - Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from
The article by Temple is a temple on secrets behind the success of a marriage. The article acknowledges that for a marriage to be successful, the couples have to work towards achieving success through attending seminars, reading books on marriage, observe other successful marriages, and read articles on the success of a marriage. Through this information, the article tries to understand that marriage is not just a simple journey that one chooses; instead needs a lot of sacrifice and understanding. Among the ten secrets behind a successful marriage that Temple discusses is that the most significant thing is not happy in a marriage. Happiness may come and go, but couples should strive to do things that will eventually bring joy. Temple also discusses that "couple discusses discover the value in just showing up." Couples have to be there even when things become tough for each other. The third secret is "if you do what you always do, you will get the same results." Temple explains this by saying that couples need to be innovative in approaching challenges in their marriage. Other secrets discussed include matters related to attitude; change in mind helps change a marriage, your efforts will result in a successful marriage.
Thomas, P., & Liu, H. (2017). Family Relationships and Well-Being. Retrieved 1 April 2021, from
In this article, Thomas says that there must be enduring all along for a family to maintain a good relationship. The article looks at several family relations and discusses them thoroughly. They discussed family relations as the marital relationship. The articles bring to attention that marital relations are responsible for an individual's well-being in his adulthood lifespan. The article associates happy marriage with being physically fit or healthy and good mental health. The article brings to attention that people in a happy marriage are likely to enjoy both good physical health, mental health, and long life expectancy compared to the divorced partners, people who are never married and widowed partners. Thomas then discusses gender differences. The article discloses that gender differences play a significant role in the experience of the married couples. The paper reveals that men are the main benefit of better physical health than women in a marriage since women are more vulnerable to physiological and psychological marital stress when compared to men.

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