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The draft on chiropractic healthcare provides a comprehensive overview, covering key aspects such as chiropractic techniques, procedural activities, application in sports like the Olympics, and benefits for older adults. The introduction succinctly defines chiropractic adjustment and its therapeutic benefits. The section on procedural treatments delineates various techniques, including soft-tissue treatment and manual therapy taping. The discussion on chiropractic care in the Olympics offers a concrete example of its integration into elite sports and highlights its benefits for athletes. Furthermore, the exploration of chiropractic care for older adults addresses common issues like osteoarthritis and mobility challenges, emphasizing its role in enhancing quality of life. Overall, the draft effectively elucidates the multifaceted benefits and applications of chiropractic care. source..
CHIROPRACTOR HEALTHCARE DRAFT Name Institution Course Professor Date CHIROPRACTOR HEALTHCARE DRAFT Specific questions 1 What is chiropractic care and some of the techniques applied? 2 What are the procedural activities involved in chiropractic care? 3 Applying chiropractic care in Olympics (provide one example of the case analysis. 4 What are the benefits of chiropractic care to older people? Introduction A chiropractic adjustment is a form of manual or instrument-assisted joint manipulation performed by a trained professional for therapeutic purposes. Some other names for this technique are spinal manipulation and joint manipulation. Pain can be reduced and physical function improved with the help of a chiropractic adjustment. A chiropractor's adjustment can be a useful supplement to regular medical care. Adjustments: The purpose is to realign the joints to reduce discomfort and improve mobility gently. Procedural treatments in chiropractic Some chiropractic procedures include soft-tissue treatment, which manipulates the fascia and tendons surrounding individual muscles to reduce muscle tension and spasms (fascia). The second is through restorative and maintenance exercises and stretches for joint stability and mobility. Thirdly, manual therapy taping can be used to brace injured joints and muscles to prevent further damage and facilitate healing. Finally, the patient will be sent to an integrative medicine specialist for advice on diet and nutrition to help control weight and decrease inflammation. Chiropractic care and Olympics For example, the Australian Olympic Swim Squad employed chiropractor George Dragasevich to care for the team in the year 2000 because they believed chiropractic care would help the team reach its health and performance goals without using drugs. The benefits of chiropractic care for sports performance go together like a glove and a mitt. Any athlete can gain advantages from chiropractic care, not only pros. Regardless of the fitness level, chiropractic care has been shown to improve the ability to and satisfaction from physical activity. Some benefits include enhanced performance, decreased risk of injury, less discomfort during treatment, a quicker recovery time, and fewer instances of drug abuse (Cleveland Clinic medical professional, 2021). The chiropractic method, on the other hand, is ideally suited to helping one to recover and resume normal activities. Chiropractic care can help many people get back to their best by restoring optimal function through the care of the spine and nervous system and providing advice on posture, exercise, and nutrition. Whether the patient is into expert-level snow skiing or a casual stroll with their dog, they will have a better time at their best feeling. Chiropractic care for older adults Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is one of the main therapies delivered by chiropractors. Osteoarthritis and spinal compression fractures cause back discomfort in the elderly. Back fractures increase vertebral pressure and risk; spinal manipulation and physiotherapy can alleviate osteoarthritis pain by decreasing joint pressure (Dougherty, 2021). Decreased mobility is the top complaint of the elderly. The inability to join family and friends due to pain and limited movement can force elders to stay at home. Chiropractic care with adjustments and the right muscle-strengthening can release this impression of being alone and allow elders to participate in activities that were once impossible. Coordination and balance recovery by strengthening spine-supporting muscles. Elders can do exercises at...
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