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Environmental Global Issues (Research Paper Sample)
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Make sure that the paper is argumentative. It should have a clear, focused thesis statement that takes a position and has some sort of specific or clearly implied "because" to guide the reader. source..
Environmental Global Issues
Global environmental issues are a widespread problem, and it influences the health of the human population. This paper provides the insight view of the causes and impact of global environmental issues. The study of global environmental issues arises due to changes in the quality or quantity of environmental factors that affect the health of human beings. The increased global environmental problems have brought concerns about how to address the causes and effects to the environment. More attention is on the major environmental challenges caused by globalization and industrial growth. The research paper represents measures on the proposed agenda to protect the environment. The paper further examines the various types of global environmental issues and ways to control the environment. The research closes with adequate environmental conservation measures policymakers must incorporate to protect the environment.
The significance of global environmental issues to the health of the human population is apparently increasing. Global environmental problems are a growing worldwide problem causing harmful effects on the environment. Despite the significant efforts to protect the environment, pollution remains a major challenge to environmental conservation. The damage to the environment is increasing due to natural resources depletion, pollution, toxic chemicals, ozone layer depletion, global warming, and radiation issues. The significant amount of effort through advocacy, education, and activism, individuals have an important role in reducing global environmental issues (Bruenig). The present Global environmental problems are serious and require public awareness and concern. Global challenges need mass-movement awareness to the problems to obtain viable solutions. A comprehensive approach should involve critical discussions about the environmental causes, their impacts, and options. The approach should be educational and democratic to create minimal scientific literacy by encouraging individual autonomy. It must develop ideas through research to develop a comprehensive view of the problems (Harris). Academic research will offer appropriate education to enact laws toward the alleviation of global environmental challenges.
Environmental pollution persists even in developed countries. In recent years, most of the global environmental issues involve the use of toxic chemicals for pest control, food and water treatment. Most of these pollutants cause a significant effect on human health. As the impact of environmental pollution becomes global, there is a need to address the health issues related to pollution has it becomes urgent (Harris). Useful action requires an understanding of the magnitude of the problem, its causes and solutions to the effects. Scientific research contributes to the development of sustainable solutions to global environmental issues. There is a need for a properly integrated approach in natural and social sciences for a successful sustainable environment.
Literature Review
Global environmental issues have become a major concern in the sphere of human health advancement in the 20th century. There is a growing urgency regarding environmental problems and their effect on the environment. Use of toxic chemicals is an emerging issue in most industrialized countries. The survival of plants and animals are much affected by since the advancement of mining and smelting industries. The increased use of natural resources in industries has contributed to deforestation and wildlife loss leading to climate change. The vast spread of industrial wastes has caused soil and water pollution. The problems of pollution emphasize a growing concern for the impact on the environment. The inorganic and non-biodegradable substances pose serious challenges to the atmosphere. The purpose of this study is to analyze adaptation to environmental problems and the potential to reduce pollution. The data used for the survey were collected from interviews and surveys. The quality of life on earth is connected to the quality of the environment. Currently, the major environmental related problems are the disposal of toxic chemicals and removal non-biodegradable toxic compounds accumulating in the soil and water. The global environmental issue is considered as the leading pollution causing damage to human health. Environmental issues caused by heavy metals and the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture and industry cause pollution streams and lakes. In the past, the emergence of industrial evolution has accelerated environmental pollution causing severe degradation of the atmosphere. Global environmental regulation is a challenge to the industries because of a lot of chemicals used.
Environmental Global Issues
Global issues influence the modern world. Today's rapid changes have made the world into a global village. As the world develops a greater impact is made on the environment. Global problems can be seen by long-term biological implications, some of which can devastate the entire environment (Zelli and van Asselt). Examples of global environmental problems that impact the modern world are depletion of natural resources, use of toxic chemicals, pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, loss of biodiversity and radiation issues.
Causes of Environmental issues
To begin with, one of the leading causes of environmental problems is pollution from the use of toxic chemicals and uncontrolled automobiles. Pollution could be due to changes in the earth-atmosphere system through carbon dioxide emission, use of toxic chemicals to control pests and hazardous industrial wastes v. Hazardous, toxic substances have become more sophisticated and widespread global environmental issue because of the contents of contaminants. Pollution, whether it is air, water, land or noise has a high impact on the environment.
Land damage is a primary fundamental cause of environmental problems. Improper land use resulting from soil erosion, leaching of nutrients and salinization causes irreversible degradation of soils and vegetation. An increase in human population and technological developments towards urbanization also contribute to environmental problems. The growth of human population puts a strain on natural resources, leading to degradation of our environment. Use of agricultural fertilizers has resulted in the eutrophication causing the growth of algae that deprives water oxygen for the survival of microorganisms. Decreasing of water resources has become a major problem in most countries due to increase in population. Illegal logging leads to deforestation, which contributes to global warming. In general environmental degradation is caused by human activities.
Effects of Global environmental Issues
Global environmental issues impact human health through toxic air pollutants which cause respiratory problems. Global warming, deforestation, and pollution cause loss of biodiversity. Emissions of harmful ultraviolet radiations cause depletion of the ozone layer. Disposal of untreated industrial wastes causes ground water contamination (Shah). Globalization leads to the emission of carbon dioxide leading to climate change. The process of globalization creates an adverse impact on the economies and culture through competition. The states should implement effective policies to control and monitor the globalization. Climate change provides a threat to wildlife and the environment.
The literature review shows that scientists have become aware of the causes and effect of global environmental issues. The research reveals the very narrow direction on the effective ways to control environmental problems. There is the need to engage in advanced methodological approach to understand the environmental issues. The research was done with the participation of 20 second year students. The study used preliminary sessions with the 20 students identify the process of education. After all the research sessions, the students used debates to discuss the causes and effects of the global environmental issues. Global environmental issues were sub-divided into ten headings: depletion of natural resources, pollution, toxic chemicals, ozone layer depletion, global warming, extinction of wildlife, carbon dioxide emission and loss of biodiversity. Each issue involved the definition of the problem, factors for the occurrence, effects of the problem and solution to reverse the problem (Johansen). Data collection was through research diaries for each debate and weekly observations of the student’s journals. Research analysis was evaluated using Roger’s model.
The results of global environmental issues were evaluated into existential, cogni...
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