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Development of Civilization in the River Valleys. Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


explain developments of civilization in the river valleys


Development of Civilization in the River Valleys
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Development of Civilization in the River Valleys
Thousands of years ago, most of the great early civilization developed along the river valleys for several reasons. Water is one of the cores and requirements of human and animal survival in ancient times and currently or in the modern world. Rivers provided reliable fresh drinking water to the people. Water from the river valleys additionally provided water as the central pole in which civilization was built and developed. Periodic flooding provided alluvial soils rich in agriculture, and this further acted as the key and fundamental progress in ancient culture. Fishing was one of the primary sources of food in ancient history ( Moseley, 2015.)River valleys provided ideal fishing grounds that acted as an essential provision of fish for the people as one of the necessities.
Mesopotamia is regarded as one of the earliest ancient civilizations. River Tigris and the Euphrates provided a lasting solution to the agricultural development in Mesopotamia. These main rivers provided ample water for irrigation, and this improved the livelihoods of the ancient people as well as the development of people’s civilization ( maugh11, 2012) Many people migrated near the river valleys in River Euphrates and Tigris purposely to search for agricultural land with enough water for irrigation and therefore this modernized civilization in Mesopotamia.

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