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Homeland Security: Immigration policy (Research Paper Sample)

This paper aims at examining the role of homeland security as a factor of immigration policy with special reference to the United States. It showcases how immigration laws are useful policies that help in defending countries’ security as well as managing the number of foreign entities coming into the countries. After the Sept 11, 2001 incidents of terrorism the United States government enhanced its framework of homeland security through a review and reform of the immigration policies. In this paper the writer presents the history of immigration policy of the United States, be it in the 18th century or up to the present date, the reasons for development of the policy range from the demand for workforce, family reunification, handling of refugees and asylum seekers, handling of immigrants all in an attempt to understand how security challenges and curb of the criminals taking foul advantage to engage in unauthorized immigration. source..
Running head: HOMELAND SECURITY Homeland Security: Immigration policy Student name University Outline * Introduction * Homeland Security and immigration policy * Homeland security * Immigration policy * Immigration policy in the United States * Evolution of the United States immigration policy * Enforcement of Immigration laws * Conclusion Homeland Security: Immigration policy Introduction Immigration laws are vital elements for a country to develop and be safe, they are used to regulate the entry of foreign citizens into their respective countries. Moreover, policies are aimed at protecting refugees as well as those seeking temporary or permanent asylum who may face abuse in their native land. Immigration policy has been instrumental in ensuring the safety of both visitors and locals in any given country. In addition, it has provided opportunities for tourism and international growth, especially in developing countries. It also contributes to restoring confidence in the government’s sole objective of protecting its citizens. There are various laws governing immigration policies. In fact, immigration policy has undergone several changes all over the globe. For instance, it was established, the institution of immigration has been the subject of legislation in the United States. It is quite important to note that immigration policies adopted immediately aroused sharp debates among critics in terms of human rights concerning the freedom of interaction as well as the right of free movement. These have caused jitters in some countries, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom, which most people from developing countries see as safe heavens. As this debate continues, governments of these countries keep strengthening their safety measures through legislations on immigration policy. This paper will explore immigration policy as entailed in homeland security. It will also endeavor to examine its contents as well as the changes it has undergone since its conception to the present day. Homeland security and immigration policy Home security “Homeland security” is a term used to refer to the US government department agencies credited with the responsibility of protecting its states from any possible terrorist threats. In essence, its main concern is to ensure the protection of its citizens from terrorist attacks. Their key aim is to try to minimize any hazards that may raise or any damage that can be possibly caused by any intruders. Moreover, they also credited with reducing the country’s vulnerability to terrorist acts. This cannot be achieved involving immigration department to ensure that there is no influx of extremists into the United States of America (Kettl, 2007). It is clear that terrorist threats can arise from within or outside of the country. It is also well known that most patriotic United States nationals cannot conduct activities aimed at endangering the lives of its fellow compatriots. This leaves one possible cause of such activities: an enemy living within the borders of the united states or outside the country but planning to enter. For the criminal to get access into the country, the passage through the immigration procedure should be passed through (Kettl, 2007). For this reason, Immigration policies to step up security. The first records of the term “homeland security” dates back to the 2001 september attacks. There followed a reorganization of some of the main United States government agencies. It may, therefore, be used to refer to actions or activities of homeland security department as well as other stakeholders, like senators and congress on homeland security. Homeland security department, therefore, has the responsibility of protecting its citizens from external aggression, threats, and attacks. This department, along with homeland defense, incorporates over 180 federal agencies, including the national Guard agency, among others. This shows how crucial the functions of this department are. In this regard, immigration policies from an integral part of the homeland security, as Scrutiny Act of 2002 (Homeland Security Act of 2002). Furthermore, it is through the strengthening of immigration policies that close scrutiny can be achieved to weed out extremist and terrorist threats, which would endanger the country and its inclusions. Homeland security and immigration policies are therefore, inseparable as they work hand to ensure the safety of the country. Immigration policy Immigration policy has undergone tremendous in centuries since the United States was founded. Among the changes, the congress’ establishment to allow people born outside USA to become citizens of the United States was of great significance, on the other hand, this caused a huge rush for work and other benefits in the United States for over a century from 1790. On the other hand, it increased threats to its citizens and resources as extremists envied all the processes of admission to the country. This has numerous modifications to the immigration policy. These policies have been the most useful instruments in ensuring the safety of both visitors and locals in any given country (Bullock, Haddow, Coppola, and Yeletaysi, 2009). Immigration policies are developed to help strengthen its viability in the region; It also makes helps restore confidence in the government’s sole objective of protecting its citizen’s safety. The term “immigration policy” consists of two words: “immigration” and “policy”. Immigration means to enter a foreign country and may also refer to a lawful permanent resident, which means an alien who has been lawfully admitted into the country and given permanent residence status. Therefore, immigration policy may refer to the laws and regulations that have been formulated to guard the process of immigration. The congress and the senate are usually in charge of making these statutes. Governments cite security as the main reason for strengthening their safety measures through rigorous immigration processes. Immigration policy in the United States Immigration policy in the United States has undergone several changes over the years to enable it to serve its citizens better. This has been aimed at achieving multiple goals. By doing so, the policy works to establish unity in families. The policy is also used to admit workers with definite skills. For instance, vacancies that experience continuous shortages can be categorized under this section admittance of immigrants. This would assist the country to mitigate its labor shortages. Again, these policies are aimed at providing safety to people who face various dangers in their respective countries; these may include racial, religious as well as political discrimination, among others. These may be also referred to as asylum seekers with valid grounds for their situations. The policy would, therefore, act to save them from oppressors in their countries of origin. Immigration policy also promotes diversity by enabling admission of people from regions with very low rates of immigrants through a program dubbed “diversity program” (Bullock et al.., 2009). This is aimed at making the country a home to the representatives of cultural entities. All these goals of immigration policies are established to enable both temporary and permanent admissions to the United States. It is quite important to note that these policies are well laid out and stated in the Congressional Budget office paper. This policy describes for eligibility of various categories of legal admission to the United States (Congressional Budget Office, 2013). In addition, it provides the current reforms on the policies aimed at strengthening its executions and safety to American population, resources as well as airspace, among others. Evolution of immigration policy in the United States. As stated above, immigration policy has undergone several modifications since the nation was founded. Policy makers have found it difficult to maintain the same regulations in the dynamic world over the years. The country faces several threats to its existence such as attacks by terrorist witnessed on September 11, 2001, among others. This leads to various legislations that continue to link immigration policies to homeland security in monitoring lawful/unlawful immigrants with suspicious activities. Evolution of immigration policies began in 1790 when the congress allowed people born outside the United States to become its citizens. This led to a colossal influx of people mainly seeking for jobs from all parts of the wolrd. Later on, after about a century, in 1875, the country enacted another law that sought to limit immigration (Kettl, 2007). At first, it was just aimed to prohibiting admission prostitutes along with the criminals. Due to the continual rise in immigrants, the federal government was also given exclusive rights to guard immigration by the supreme court. In 1891, immigration service was established by the congress (Kettl, 2007). However, the processing responsibilities still rested on the federal government. Immigration recorded its lowest level during World was I. however, later, it resumed its high levels, subsequently leading to new immigration policies that included the quota system in 1921 and 1924. This system which favored family reunification, was later abolished in 1965, and a categorical preference system was adopted instead of that. The latter system emphasized on granting admissions to immediate families of citizens of the United States and permanent residents as well as those with valuable skills to the country. Most of these policies are still in place even though various amendments have been made to them. This went into cap ceiling that started with 290,000 per year to a flexible cap of 675,000 immigrants annually. In 2008, the United States granted legal permanent resident status to more than 1.1 million people (Congressi...
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