The Folk Narratives of Marihatag, Surigao del Sur Literature Paper (Research Paper Sample)
i did this paper for my theories of translation course in my graduate studies. the task was to collect folk narratives from a specific area in mindanao, Philippines and provide multiple translations for it, as well as brief, but comprehensive introduction to the community and the language of origin.
this paper collected five (5) folk narratives from marihatag, surigao del sur, and translated them from kinamayo to cebuano and english.
The Folk Narratives of Marihatag, Surigao del Sur in the Kinamayo
Translated to Cebuano and English
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
ENGL 623: Translation Theory and Practice
Submitted to:
Subject Teacher
Submitted by:
Master of Arts in English
March 14, 2020
With a population of 18,518, the seaside town of Marihatag, formerly known as Oteiza until 1955, in Surigao del Sur, is abundant with natural resources. Consequently, a considerable number of its residents rely on farming, fishing and small industries for their livelihood.
Most of the inhabitants of the province of Surigao del Sur itself speak Surigaonon and Tandaganon, but a considerable number of people also speak Cebuano and Kinamayo, especially in Marihatag.
Kinamayo is classified as a Mansakan, Meso Philippine, Malayo-Polynesian, Austronesian Language. Although it is morphosyntactically distinct from the aforementioned languages, studies have shown that it is distantly related to Surigaonon. It is often used interchangeably with the word “Kamayo”, although scholars would argue that “Kamayo” is more appropriately used to pertain to the speakers of the language. The term is highly arguable, as the “Kamayo” themselves are not a tribe, but rather a dispersed group of people claiming descent from other tribes (Hasselbring, Viloria, & Mata, 2011).
In a participatory study by Hasselbring, et. al. (2011), they found out that speakers of the language in both Davao Oriental and Surigao del Sur claim ethnic ancestry from the culturally and ethnolinguistically rich tribes such as Mandaya, Mamanwa or Manobo.
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