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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Research on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Research Paper Sample)


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a type of chronic inflammatory response to the airways to harmful gases or particles that lead to the changes in the pathological as well as pathophysiological components of the lung of a person. The cardinal pathophysiological expressions of the disease include the obstruction of the airflow as well as hyperinflation. The habitual features of the respiratory system and its constituents are studied by figuring out the synonymous volume-pressure relationships. It is a curable as well as a preventable disease that is manifested in two forms that are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. They are both characterized by air limitation to the lungs due to either the lumen being partially blocked or the thickening of the wall of the airway among other reasons (D. Papandrinopoulou, 2012). This paper seeks to evaluate the COPD condition of a 50-year-old man who was diagnosed with chronic obstructive lung disease who is also hypoxic with increased respiratory effort as well as the use of accessory muscles. The paper seeks to analyze further the features that are related to COPD and the general conditions of the patients suffering from COPD.
Compliance or static compliance of the lung that is denoted as C is the change in the volume of the lung in every change in a unit in the pressure of the transpulmonary. In other words, it is the difference in pressure between the inward part the alveoli and the surface pleural of the lungs needed to alter a particular change as to the air volume present in the lungs.
Resistance in respect to COPD, on the other hand, refers to resistance training, is an exercise procedure whereby the small muscle groups are exercised by the lifting of heavy objects in a repetitive manner (M.A. Spruit, 2002). This type of exercise is vital and has been fruitful in the process of rehabilitating the elderly persons, for example, in this case, the 50-year-old man as well as other patients who have chronic heart failure to better the force of their peripheral muscle.
Residual volume is the air that is not exhaled by a person. It is acquired by finding the difference between the maximum volume of the inhaled air and the maximum volume of the air a person exhales and the differences is known as residual volume. About COPD, the progression of COPD causes a corresponding increase of residual air volume (MD, 2004).
Diffusion in a human respiratory system is affected by some factors that include; concentration difference, the surface area as well as the movement of the diffused particles. In the cases where the surface area is large, the diffusion will be more effective as well as active. In cases where the surface area is small, the opposite effect will occur. The surface area can be reduced in cases where there is an infection caused by a disease, for example, the patients with COPD. The chronic obstructive lung disease reduces the surface area for diffusion by enlarging the alveoli of the person in question resulting into a decrease surface area that will be in contact with pulmonary capillaries. The result will be a reduction in diffusion. This condition can lead to hypoxia as well as a condition known as elevated carbon dioxide or hypercarbia.
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