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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Complementary and Alternative Medicine Health, Medicine Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


A research proposal on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.


Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The electromagnetic and bio-field energies, which are both realized to form inside or near the body and other outside sources, are used in energy therapies. Such esoteric method is used to either manipulate, improve or support these energy fields (Kramlich, 2014). Reflexology, one of the energy therapies also known as massage therapy, is a complementary approach that involves application of pressure to critical areas on the body such as feet, hands, or ears. While most of the time conflicting, science has already proved that massage may help with back pain, improve the well-being of people with mental health issues, cancer, HIV/AIDS, as well as generally safe to practice.
Typically, removal of all the clothes is not required. However, uncovering the body part exposed for massage is necessary. It is important to perform an assessment to the muscle and joint at the start of the first session (University of Minnesota, 2016). This assessment is done by applying the necessary range of motion, with repetitions, to determine which muscles are dysfunctional with the efficiency of the treatment. The amount of pressure used varies on the condition and level of comfort a patient discloses.

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