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Successful Ways to Quit Smoking - Does Electronic Cigarettes Help Smokers to Quit (Research Paper Sample)
Research methodology on smoking patterns
Research: Successful Ways to Quit Smoking- Does Electronic Cigarettes Help Smokers to Quit
The study employed a randomized experimental design by grouping the respondents into their respective gender, age bracket, smokers, and non-smokers. The researcher crafted a questionnaire that sought to capture various aspects of electronic cigarette among the selected groups. The study collected and tested data from a sample of 31 respondents; 19 females and 12 males. The respondents’ ages were 54 years and below, fostering study objectivity to the understanding of quitting habits and trends from the “active†age groups. The respondents were issued with the questionnaires and required to fill and present it to the researcher within 24 hours. Each respondent was required to complete the questionnaire, which tested the individual knowledge of the Electronic cigarette and users, their readiness and willingness to quit, and individual thoughts and perceptions towards quitting. Also, the study sought to evaluate time frame for quitting while using the electronic cigarette, and the individual user-experience. The collected data was statistically analysed and the measures of central tendency, minimum and maximum value, variance, and standard deviation were computed. The intention was to validate the study data and outcome, and to eliminate the limitations of sample size and geographical scope.
In a bid to understand the various ways that would successfully make individuals quit smoking, the study sought to analyse the contributions of electronic cigarette against the trends. Regarding the research questions, which were reflected in the questionnaire, the study yielded the following results. Of the 31 respondents, 18 were aged 25-34 years representing 58% of the sample while 32% fell in the 18-24 year category. 3% of the sample, which had 1 respondent fell in the category of 18 years and below. 2 respondents fell in the 45-54 years category contributing to 6% of the sample while there was no respondent in the 35-44 years category. The data consisted of a mean of 2.74 and Standard deviation (SD) of 0.82 .For the smoking habits, 16% of the sample were current smokers while 65% claimed to have never smoked in their lifetime. 6% claimed to try to quit while 13% claimed to have successfully quit smoking. This represented 5, 20, 2 and 4 respondents, respectively, with mean of 2.74 and SD of .089. On individual’s plan and wish to quit, 82% of the 11 respondents were planning or wished to quit compared to 18% who were not yet decided or felt no need. 77% of the sample claimed to have knowledge or to have heard about the electronic cigarette compared to 23% who didn’t have a clue. The test had a mean of 1.18 and SD of 0.4 Of the 31 respondents, 4 used an electronic cigarette compared to 27, representing 13% and 87% of the sample, respectively, with a mean of 1.87 and SD of 0.84. 10% claimed that if they used the electronic cigarette, it would be purposely to help them quit while 7% would use it for other purposes rather than helping them to quit. This test had a mean of 2.73 and SD of 0.64. At this stage of the study, 83% claimed to have never used the electronic cigarette. 65% of the sample claimed to know someone who used the electronic cigarette to help them quit compared to 35% who were non-conversant. On individual thoughts and perceptions towards the electronic cigarette’s effects on health, 77% of the sample believed that it was harmful to one’s health compared to 23% who had a different opinion. This test had a mean of 1.23 and SD of 0.34. 15 respondents thought and believed that electronic cigarette was is a successful way to quit compared to 16 respondents who held a divergent view, reflecting 48% and 52% of the sample as shown in the chart 1 below.
Chart 1: Individual thoughts on the success of electronic cigarette as a cessation tool
On the timeframe before quitting while one is using the electronic cigarette, 2 respondents claimed would take a few weeks while 3 claimed a period of 1 year, representing 6% and 10% of the sample, respectively. In the same category, 24 respondents or 77% claimed they would never use the electronic cigarette while 2 respondents or 6% claimed they would take a few months. The test had a mean of 3.68 and SD of 0.98.
As an alternative to help individuals quit smoking, electronic cigarette was used and its success rates evaluated by the study. Chemically, the electronic cigarette is designed to make the smoker feel like s/he is smoking a real cigarette, though the smoking procedure is different since the former is not lit.
H0 : Electronic cigarettes helps smokers to quit
H1 : Electronic cigarettes do not help smokers to quit
The study supported the hypothesis from the fact that the standard deviation from all the test was smaller than the weighted mean. Therefore, electronic cigarettes helps to quit smoking.
Electronic cigarettes provide an alternative to the nicotine found in cigarettes such that if correctly and consistently used, it will help smokers quit. In analysis, the sample had 11 smokers, active and the quitters, and 82% planning and wishing to quit showed a positive index towards achieving the objective. An in depth analysis showed that the majority of the respondents have had heard about the electronic cigarette, indicating the product’s popularity in the mar...
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