Health Psychology Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)
the task was to carry out research on courses of depression among people in today's society, and why it's ranked among the top psychological issues.
the sample is about Health Psychology.
Health Psychology
Institutional Affiliation
Health Psychology
Depression, which can either be a major depressive disorder or even clinical depression, is an ordinary but a very severe mood disorder (Scheier, Michael & Carver, 1985). Depression causes relentless symptoms that generally affect how an individual think, feel, and conduct their daily routines such as eating, sleeping and working.
For an individual to be diagnosed with depression, then the symptoms must be observed for at least two weeks. Other forms of depression may be slightly different or even may develop under some exceptional circumstances such as:
Persistent depressive disorder
This is a psychological condition that is also known as dysthymia, which is a depressed mood that lasts for at least two years (Montgomery, Stuart & Asberg, 1979). An individual who is diagnosed with the persistent depressive disorder may experience a series of significant depression of which will come along with phases of minimal severe symptoms, but for the condition to be considered persistent depressive disorder the symptoms must last for at least two straight years.
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