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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Pathophysiology - Diabetes Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Directions: Using the word blank below, create a scenario (make up a short shory) where an individual goes to the doctor and finds out he or she has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Make sure you use ALL of the words in the word blank.
Word Bank: oral glucose tolerance test, fasting blood glucose, prediabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, beta cells, autoantibodies, HbA1c test, metabolic syndrome, C-peptide test, blood glucose monitor, postprandial blood glucose,
glycemic control, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes


Pathophysiology of Diabetes
Pathophysiology of Diabetes
When Mrs. Owen started complaining about feeling tired and dizzy most of the times, her personal doctor concluded that she might be suffering from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Because the instances of dropping sugar (glucose) level below required level is normally associated with diabetes, the doctor decided to conduct further diagnosis to determine the cause. Mrs. Owen also suffered from metabolic syndrome and obesity, which are risk factors to diabetes. He decided to conduct a number of tests to ensure accurate diagnosis if she had diabetes.
The doctor conducted three tests for both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. The doctor carried out the fasting blood sugar test, which is performed after overnight fast revealed that the blood sugar levels was higher than 126 mg/dl, an amount above prediabetes levels that usually occurs when the blood sugar level is 100 to 125 mg per dl. The third test was oral glucose tolerance test that provided a reading of blood sugar lever high than 140 mg/dl. Evidently, the doctor informed Mrs. Owen that she was suffering from type-2 diabetes, which is less severe than the type-1 diabetes (which begins from childhood) – the C-peptide test was negative.

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