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7 pages/≈1925 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Relationship Between Age and Plasma Glucose Concentration in Diabetic Patients (Research Paper Sample)


This assignment involved conducting research to examine the relationship between age and plasma glucose concentration in patients with diabetes. The sample consisted of 280 participants recruited from public health centers in the United States. Participants were individuals aged between 18 and 65 years who had been diagnosed with diabetes and had a plasma glucose concentration of 200 mg/dl or higher.
This study aims to address gaps in research and provide insight into the relationship between age and diabetes. The existing literature suggests that older patients tend to have higher levels of glucose in their blood due to an age-related decrease in insulin sensitivity. However, the specific correlation between age and plasma glucose concentration requires further investigation.
To collect the necessary data, a survey questionnaire was administered to the participants, which included questions regarding demographics, medical history, and lifestyle factors. Plasma glucose concentration was measured via blood test, and age was self-reported by the participants. Trained research assistants collected data following standard protocols.
Descriptive statistics are calculated to give an idea of ​​the sample. The mean age of the participants was 42.92 years, with a standard deviation of 13.55 years, ranging from 18 to 65 years. The average diabetes level was 153.81 mg/dl, with a standard deviation of 65.89 mg/dl, ranging from 50 mg/dl to 288 mg/dl. The distribution of age and diabetes appears to be approximately normal based on the histogram.
The main analysis focused on determining the correlation between age and plasma glucose concentration. Correlation analysis, using Pearson's correlation coefficient, showed a weak negative association between age and diabetes, but not statistically significant (r = -.008, p = .892). Consequently, this study does not provide sufficient evidence to support a significant association between age and diabetes.
The findings suggest that age alone may not be a strong predictor of diabetes. The study emphasizes the importance of considering other risk factors, such as genetics, lifestyle and co-morbidities, to better understand and prevent diabetes. The results have implications for public health research, policy and practice, highlighting the need for comprehensive risk assessment and individualized prevention strategies.
In conclusion, this assignment involves conducting research to explore the relationship between age and plasma glucose concentration in diabetic patients. The sample consisted of 280 participants, and the findings suggest that age alone may not be a significant factor in predicting diabetes. Further research is needed to investigate the complex interaction between age and other risk factors to improve diabetes prediction, prevention, and management strategies.


Is There an Association Between Age and Plasma Glucose Concentration?
Diabetes is a prevalent chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is a significant public health concern that can lead to several complications, including cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy. The disease is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels resulting from the body's inability to produce or use insulin effectively. In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in studying different aspects of diabetes, from its prevalence to its impact on various populations.
The existing literature on the topic of diabetes provides some information on the relationship between age and plasma glucose concentration, but current studies still lack a profound discussion of this issue. Studies have shown that aging is somehow associated with plasma glucose concentration in patients with diabetes. According to Adak and Upadhyay’s (2022) cross-sectional study, there can be a significant correlation between patients’ age and glycated hemoglobin levels with reference to the Nepalese population. Thus, older patients have higher levels of glucose in the blood, likely due to the age-related decline in insulin sensitivity. Studying non-diabetic individuals, Ko, Wai, and Tang (2020) also found that plasma glucose levels tend to increase with age. Guo et al. (2022) stated that diabetes is one of the widely spread conditions among older populations depending on the age factor, but they did not measure plasma glucose levels. From this perspective, age should be taken into consideration when it comes to predicting or managing diabetes and associated

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