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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Theoretical Model Alignment with Diabetes Mellitus (Research Paper Sample)


The paper was about how theoretical model is linked to Diabetes Mellitus,Features of the Theoretical Model and Components,Research Approaches Appropriate for Use with the Model, Use of the Theoretical Framework in Evaluating the Program/Project ,Aspects of the Model That Work Well and Those That Do Not and make conclusion


Theoretical Model Framework
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Theoretical Model Framework
           The selected theoretical model is the Modeling and Role Modeling Theory by Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin, and Mary Swain. The model was established in 1983 and integrated a multidisciplinary theoretical assessment from scholars such as Jean Piaget, Erikson, Maslow (Nursing Theory, n.d.). The idea assists nurses in care delivery by recognizing and highlighting the individual requirements of each patient. The approach focuses on self-care by measuring patients’ perspectives and assisting them in adapting to the environment based on personal stressors.
Alignment with Diabetes Mellitus
           The physiology and management of diabetes mellitus are complicated and often require various health approaches. Patients get better outcomes through diet management, regular exercise, and independent monitoring of glucose levels (Sapra & Bhandari, 2021). It is also essential to educate patients about lifelong self-care to prevent complications. The approach also emphasizes recognizing patients as unique in their world. Thus, like the management of diabetes mellitus, the modeling theory focuses on understanding these special needs and focusing on self-care to enhance health. 
Features of the Theoretical Model and Components
           The key feature of the Modeling and Role Modeling Theory is that it recognizes each patient as unique. The model encourages nurses to understand individual patients’ needs by offering patient-centered care. Overall, the theory educates nurses to accept each patient regardless of their perspectives about the world because it recognizes patients as experts. 
Research Approaches Appropriate for Use with the Model
           The practical research approach appropriate to the Modeling and Role Modeling Theory is descriptive research, which focuses on patient experiences. The descriptive approach illustrates the characteristics of a population under investigation (Pandey & Pandey, 2015). The process is appropriate for research on population-centered methods which consider patients unique. Therefore, the approach is appropriate for my project as it advocates for tailored treatment options to meet these special patient needs. 
Model Design (Quantitative or Qualitative)
           A qualitative research design is the most appropriate for the model as it studies phenomena emphasizing intervention improvement. The theory stresses the need to focus on unique patient details, mainly descriptive and not quantitative. Patient-centered care also extends to patient experiences, which can best be described and not quantified. The data collection approaches would be surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews. The rationale for selecting this research approach is the focus on the unique needs of patients that are mostly descriptive.  
Use of the Theoretical Framework in Evaluating the Program/Project
           The theoretical framework can be used in evaluating a qualitative project assessing the unique needs or experiences of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. The theory advocates for accepting each patient as unique, hence tailoring all treatm

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