Understanding the 4Ps of Marketing and Its Application to Healthcare (Research Paper Sample)
Part 1: The 4Ps of Marketing IN HEALTHCARE
Part 2: Selecting a Marketing Strategy for your Hospital
PART 3: Selecting a Marketing Strategy for your Hospital
• Explain an advertising campaign you would propose for use in the hospital based on your selected marketing strategy.
• Identify possible types of communication that could be used when advertising to your market segmentation.
◦ Select specific communication tool(s) you would use to reach your target audience.
• Explain the communication tools you selected and how they will support the integrated advertising campaign you will develop to reach your target audience.
Marketing Strategy in Healthcare
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Marketing Strategy in Healthcare
The marketing aspect of healthcare has diversely increased technological advancements and stiff completion, which place the health care sector in a complicated situation. According to Putulowski and Crosby (2020), the organization’s strategize plans that can stand out from the competitors and convey luring information to the potential consumers regarding the experience and services they offer to their patients. The marketing strategy development employs the 4ps to achieve a competitive advantage and gain more customers in the existing market niche. This paper articulates the importance of the 4ps in the marketing department of healthcare institutions and the strategies formulated around the four concepts.
The 4Ps of Marketing
The products offered by healthcare institutions aim to increase life expectancy, improve health and improve the quality of life. Through the delivery of the products, the organizations determine the relationship created with the customers by maintaining a healthy business relationship (Murshid, & Mohaidin, 2017). Products, in this case, include testing kits, orthopedic supplies, probiotics, and homeopathic preparation, among others. These products are delivered to the customers since they necessitate the patients' recovery from illness and chronic sickness, saving lives. The related marketing strategy that applies to the product element is that a healthcare facility will determine which product and services are suitable to meet the needs of each patient. Additionally, the product aspect is to ensure that the product is readily available for acquisition whenever the market is in demand.
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